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"Sanctuary." rang in your ears as you and Tanjiro parted from your last hug. "Sanctuary." you thought again. "Sanctuary. Sanctuary. SANCTUARY!" you replayed in your head over and over again. "My sweet angel, (Y/n), my sanctuary. Promise to always stay positive and pure, okay?" you played in your head.

"Mother.." you shakily whispered, tears welling in your eyes as you zoned out.

"Hmm?" Tanjiro hummed as he looked at you. "M- miss (Y/n), what's wrong?" he asked, looking concerned.

You didn't.. no couldn't.. reply.

"Miss (Y/n)!" Tanjiro shook you, eyes full of fear and concern.

"Huh? Oh Tanjiro.. sorry. I just.. zoned out a bit." you wiped your teary eyes before looking up at his contorted expression.

"Wh- what's wrong? Did I say or do something wrong? I'm sor-" he apologized before you cut him off.

"No Tanjiro, you didn't do anything wrong. It's nothing, really." you said, giving a sad smile. He didn't buy it for a second, but didn't want to pry.

"Alright.. I'll drop it if you're sure that you're alright. I can help with whatever it is, I promise." he replied, hands out in offering.

Your smile widened as you bit your tongue to hold the tears back. You turned your head and started doing the laundry again, trying to paint a genuine smile on your face until you could finally be left alone.

You wouldn't admit it but, Tanjiro saying that you were like a sanctuary opened up a place in the back of your mind that you never wanted to revisit; the day of your mother's death.

You just had to keep moving. Miss Shinobou gave you a new start away from your small village, deceased mother, and abusive, drunkard father. She took you away from your demon slaying days and put you somewhere you could forget about your past. You had only known Shinobou for a year. She housed you as you got to properly grieve. taught you how to nurse the injured, and told you to forget all about slaying demons. She told you to forget how to even hold a sword, and you did. Demon slaying was in your past, you never had to again. That small child inside of you never had to slay demons in exchange for food for you and your mother ever again.

You did what Shinobou instructed you to do when you were upset - breathing in and out slowly - as you finished the laundry, Tanjiro looking at you concertedly the whole time.

You finally finished washing and hanging the clothes as you wiped sweat off your brow. You took in a final shaky breath before looking at Tanjiro. "All finished, let's go." you walked away.

"Okay.." he replied hesitantly. "Where are we going?!"

"You're going back to your room to rest while I make some medicine." you said, a little sass in your voice.

You heard Tanjiro release a disappointed groan that made you giggle.

As Tanjiro dragged his feet behind you, you reached his room in no time. As the boy entered his room, he gave a small smile and waved before shutting the door. You smiled back before walking a few feet away from the door, immediately breaking down.

As you cried, you began to revisit your days as a child, frightened and feared.


"(Y/n), don't go. What will I do if you are killed by a demon out there? I'll find a way for us to eat again, I promise." your mother would beg and plead.

"But father said that having blue hair meant that I was born a cold hearted killer and was a demon in my past life. He said I must atone for my crimes in my past life by being a demon slayer. He said that's why you're sick and we have no food." you said with big, sad eyes as tears started to fall.

"Come here, (Y/n)." your mother called you over, pulling you in a hug. "You're only 7 years old, you should know nothing of demons, much less about slaying them. Your father is a cowardly man who failed to slay the demon that killed his father before you were born. The sunlight took the demon's life and soon after, you were born. The demon had blue hair so he immediately tried connecting your hair to that demon. You are a pure child. Blue is the color of loyalty and trust. It's a refreshing color and it draws those in need to you. You draw people in and mend their broken heats. You give love and receive it in return. (Y/n), you're just like a sanctuary. You're where I feel at peace and someday others will feel the same way too."

Your tears stopped as your mother held you tight, only to be interrupted by your father - that bastard.

"(Y/n), you good for nothing! Get your ass up and go slay some demons! You already received your orders so go! We better have some food by tomorrow!" your father roared, yanking you from your mother.

"Stop it, she's a child! If you're so hungry, go slay them yourself!" your mother retorted.

"That brat, though I hate to say, is talented! She has the skill and grit to be a demon slayer. She's that demon's reincarnation afterall!" he spat.

"She's only 7! What child is slaying demons this young? Why, because you're too afraid so you make your small daughter do it for you? You should be ashamed!" your mother yelled before having a coughing fit.

"You bitch!" he slurred. "You should be grateful that I taught her how to slay demons! The people of this village are afraid and if it weren't for them giving us food in exchange for HER services, we would have starved years ago!" he yelled, slapping your mother across the face.

"Moth-" you rushed to her side, immediately getting a kick to the stomach.

"You stay out of this and go slay us a demon. I'm hungry!" he raised his fist to strike you but you ran away.

*Present Day*

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!" Aoi called, shaking you. "(Y/n), what's wrong? Talk to me!" she screeched. She was terrified and didn't know what to do. "Lady Kocho! Kanao! Somebody help!"

Naturally, the first to hear Aoi's cries for help were the patients in the room less than 10 feet away from the both of you.

"Hey what's going on?!" Zenitsu ran up first, Tanjiro and Inosuke following right behind.

"I don't know, she won't snap out of it! (Y/n)!" Aoi shook you. "(Y/n)!"


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