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As you continued to watch over Tanjiro as all the boys slept, you were dazed yet calm. Knowing Tengen wouldn't come back made you happy enough to ignore the small pit of guilt building up in your chest.

You combed through Tanjiro's short, burgundy hair with your fingers as you wiped pooling sweat off of his cheeks. Turning your head around, you think about talking to Zenitsu about what just happened once he wakes up, but you shake that thought quickly.

Tanjiro's strawberry red cheeks were so warm and bright you wanted to squish them but when paired with his pale face and tired eyes, you just wanted to scoop him into your arms and never let go

"Rengoku.." he whispered as tears welled just outside of his closed eyes.

"Hmm?" you hummed, leaning in closer.

Tanjiro's head started shaking back and forth as his brows furrowed.

You watched as the boy struggled through what seemed like a nightmare.

You placed your hands lightly on his arm and began shaking it a bit to wake him. You were unsuccessful in trying to wake him, however, evident in the way his nightmare seemed to continue.

More sweat started to pool in large beads as he began to grit his teeth.

"Tanjiro!" you said, shaking him more, "Tanjiro, wake up!" you plea.

He jerks his head in your direction, brows still furrowed before jerking it in the other direction.

You stand up, leaning over Tanjiro and putting a palm on each cheek to hold his head in place, as you plant a kiss on his forehead.

You felt his shoulders move underneath you as if he was trying to squirm so you placed your hands underneath his neck so that your arms could slide through to hug him from his neck while your lips remained on his forehead.

When Tanjiro squirmed some more, you hugged tighter, placing a longer kiss on his head.

Unbeknownst to you, both Zenitsu and Inosuke were wide awake - with wide eyes to match the sight they were seeing.

"Tanjiro.." you whispered, "You have to wake up. It's okay. The nightmares.. they're not real." you hug tighter.

"Come on Tanjiro." Zenitsu thinks, "Having a girl that worried about me would wake me instantly." he pouts jealously in silence.

Light finally twinkles in the slayer's eyes as his movements cease.

"Mmph" he mumbles.

"Tanjiro?!" you exclaim in shock, hovering over him as you look down at him, not removing your arms.

"Miss. (Y/n).." he whispers, his blurred vision confusing him.

"Yes, it's me. I'm glad you're awake." you tear up.

"Why are you crying?" he asks, his voice still raspy.

"You really scared me." you say as you wiped one eye with a finger.

"Sorry." he said, turning his head.

"It's alright." you say softening your eyes before planting one more kiss on his head and another on his cheek.

You wet a cloth before ringing it out and wiping his face before sitting down.

"So, what was your nightmare about, Tanjiro?" you ask, holding his hand.

"The same as always." he sighs, looking defeated.

"Oh, I see." you frown. "At least it's over now."

Tanjiro blinks tears away, squeezing your hand. Those nightmares really are terrifying.

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