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There were several moments of awkward silence before Tanjiro finally spoke.

"M- Miss (Y/n), please forgive me for asking but, what was your breathing style?" Tanjiro asked, looking a bit nervous.

You take in a deep breath, speaking in an even deeper tone as you look up into the sky.
"Moon Breathing."

All three boys look at you in awe, neither of them knew that there was such a breathing style.

"My father was a Flame Breather." you started, looking at each of the boys. "He wanted me to learn Flame Breathing but I just couldn't. For a while, he gave up on trying to make me master a breathing style but still made me practice my strokes. One night he saw me practice under the moonlight and remembered an ancient tale of two twin brothers; one created and mastered Sun Breathing while the other couldn't. The other brother instead created and mastered Moon Breathing and so far was the only one able to use it. My father said that because my strokes mimicked the moon, I must be a Moon Breather - so that's why."

"That's.. kinda awesome!" Inosuke cheered.

"Yea, that is pretty cool." Zenitsu added.

"I'm glad you think so, you two." you smiled. "I'm so sorry to make you all worry about me. Thank you all so much for listening, but we must go back to bed." you say, getting up from the ground.

"Yes Ma'am!" Zenitsu and Inosuke chant, getting up.

"Are you coming, Tanjiro?" you ask, looking over your shoulder as you walk away with the other two.

"I'll catch up in a minute. Go on ahead." Tanjiro gave a fake smile but you saw the tears welling in the corners of his eyes.

"Hey guys, go on without me, k? I'll see you in the morning." you wave to the two boys. While they knew you were probably staying back for Tanjiro's sake, they knew you were hurting too and didn't want to leave.

Inosuke looks at Zenitsu with a bit of concern before Zenitsu shakes his head. "Good night then." Zenitsu waves, walking away as Inosuke follows.

You smile until the two are out of sight before turning to look at Tanjiro.

"Sorry to keep you back like this. You really should get to bed. Don't worry about me." Tanjiro sighs.

"Tanjiro, I'm here because I want to be. I care about you so whatever you're going through, you can tell me." you put a hand on his shoulder as you get on your knees.

Tanjiro looks at you with shock and guilt before turning his head to speak. "It's about you.." he looks back to you, lowering his head. "I can't believe you had to go through all of that. I thought I had it the worst but that's not true at all." more tears welled in his eyes as he clenched his fist. "My family never had it easy but we were happy. I- I never knew families like this existed. Who would do something like that to their own daughter?! It's despicable. This whole time you've been listening to me and comforting me when you were the one who needed comfort. Why didn't I notice?! I was too selfi-" you covered Tanjiro's mouth so he couldn't finish. Tears ran down his face as he got progressively louder.

"Stop it. You didn't know because I didn't tell you. If I didn't get so upset earlier, you probably never would've known. You're going through something huge right now so I don't expect you to be selfless and neglect yourself." you scolded a bit, making sure he wouldn't have the chance to feel guilty.

You leaned in and gave Tanjiro a small peck on the forehead before getting up, extending the hand you had over his mouth to help him up.

He looked at you with all the shock in the world, mouth agape.

"You shouldn't get so upset over small things like that. if you reopened your wound because of me, I'd never forgive myself." you smiled.

Tanjiro smiled back as he nodded.

The two of you walked back to Tanjiro's shared room as you keep his hand in yours. When you finally got there, you smiled and waved, turning around to walk away before gently being pulled back by the wrist. You stopped, turning around as Tanjiro got closer. As soon as you were fully turned around Tanjiro did it.

Your eyes widened before closing gently, leaning into Tanjiro's sweet, supple lips that ever so slightly grazed yours.

"Miss (Y/n)..." he said in a dreamy tone.

"Miss (Y/n)?!" Tanjiro said, his voice muffling.

"MISS (Y/N)?!" he started to panic, gently shaking your shoulders.

"Huh, Tanjiro?" you asked in a confused tone.

"Are you alright?! You started spacing out and I got concerned. "

"Shit, that was just a daydream?!" you asked yourself, shocked.

"I- I'm sorry to worry you, Tanjiro. I'm fine." you said, embarrassed as a hand found itself on the nape of your neck.

"It's alright, really. Please, sleep in here." he smiled, his intention tanted with selfishness. Yes, he wanted you to sleep with him so you didn't have to walk all the way back to your room, but he also wanted comfort for his night terrors, reliving Rengoku's death every time he closed his eyes.

You smiled but shook your head. "I've already caused so much trouble today,  I couldn't possibly."

"Please don't think that way. You've been nothing but helpful and enthusiastic so please don't be so hard on yourself." Tanjiro put a hand on your shoulder. "You've helped me so much and I've only known you for less than a day."

"I'm glad I could help you, Tanjiro, but I want to keep the three of you happy and healthy,. My feelings don't matter as much to me as they may to you." you place your hand over Tanjiro's. "Thank you for caring, but I'll survive another day if I criticize myself a little." you giggle, hoping he'd drop the subject.

"Alright then, but I'm gonna care enough for you that you can't help but care too." Tanjiro said with determination, squeezing your shoulder a bit.

You had enough crying for one day yet more tears crept in the corners of your eyes. "Thank you, Tanjiro."

Tanjiro gave a heartfelt smile before opening the door to his room. "Tomorrow will be a new day so don't give up. Good night."

"Good night." you said softly.

"I pray you sleep well, Tanjiro. Show me the type of person you say you are."  you say a quick prayer before heading to your room.

Sanctuary | Tanjiro Kamado x Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt