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Both Zenitsu and Shinobu look at you puzzled - take who's place?

"(Y/n), who are you referring to? Take who's place?" Shinobu asked, still smiling with her sickeningly sweet voice as always. You've always loved Shinobu's voice, except during times of stress.

"Are you referring to-" Zenitsu starts before Shinobu puts a hand on his shoulder to silence him. She wants to hear it from your mouth.

You shake your head, unwilling to tell.

"(Y/n), if you won't tell me, I can't help you." Shinobu sighs.

"(Y/n), please. I was so worried." Zenitsu pleads.

Tears gather in your eyes as you take a deep, shaky breath, "Tengen."

Zenitsu grinds his teeth as his expression turns angry as Shinobu gasps.

"(Y/n), what are you talking about?" Shinobu asks.

You cover your throat, opening it slowly, "Can't talk." you force out. Your throat hurt too much and this situation is too painful to recall.

Shinobu sighs, "Is it really Tengen's place you were trying to take?" Shinobu asks.

You frown, nodding your head.

Zenitsu explodes, "Damnit, (Y/n), stop lying! It was Tanjiro's place you were trying to take! I heard you offer yourself up because he quit!"

You were pretty ballsy to lie when you knew Zenitsu heard you, but what could you say? You love Tanjiro, right?

You grip your blanket, tears spilling from your eyes.

"Oh dear, Tanjiro quit the demon slayer corps?" Shinobu asks.

"Yes, and now (Y/n) thinks she has to take his place!" Zenitsu yells, his eyes red with tears.

"(Y/n), why on earth would you want to take his place after everything that you went through?" Shinobu asks, hugging you.

You begin crying uncontrollably, "I don't want him to die! I love him!" you yell, not caring about your throat.

Zenitsu's eyes widened as something shattered inside him. "Him? Why him?" Zenitsu asks himself, heartbroken.

"Why would Tanjiro die? Because of his wound?" Shinobu ponders.

"No! If you quit the corp, they'll kill you!" you cry harder.

"The demon slayer corps?" Shinobu furrows her brows, "(Y/n), no one will ever be killed for deciding to leave the demon slayer corps, okay? Master Kaguya is one of the most caring leaders the corps has ever had, he'd never kill anyone for choosing their life over going into imminent danger. The only reasons for death are abandoning a mission, i. e. leaving in the midst of battle when there are lives at stake such as citizens or other living slayers in need of help, or choosing to become a demon, obviously."

"Really? So, Tanjiro won't be killed for leaving the corps after all?"

"Not at all." Shinobu reassures you.

You were extremely relieved but still felt that it was unfortunate that he decided to leave the corps.

"So, you love Tanjiro Kamado do you?" Shinobu smirks.

You blush, looking away, nodding.

"What do you love about him? Have you truly gotten to know him?" Shinobu asks.

You shake your head, "Not at all, really. I just get a really good feeling about him and it's like I'm attracted to him like a magnet. No matter what he does, I can't shake this illogical feeling of love. I truly don't know him. I know more about Zenitsu and Inosuke than I do about Tanjiro."

"If that's the cause, then step back from this infatuation and focus on yourself." Shinobu suggests.

"I'll try." you say before Shinobu and Zenitsu leave the room to let you rest.

As the two walk down the hallway Shinobu stops, looking into Zenitsu's eyes, "It's now or never."

Zenitsu looks confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Everyone can see you're in love with her. Take the initiative and go for it." Shinobu winks before disappearing.

Zenitsu turns bright red as chills go down his spine but he'd be a fool not to take Shinobu's advice.

Around dinner time Zenitsu brought you dinner. He volunteered himself instead of Shinobu or Aoi to see you again.

"Here's dinner. It's curry." Zenitsu said as he set it on your bedside table.

Your throat was shot so you put a thumb up and smiled.

"Your throat again, huh?" Zenitsu asked, something evidently wrong.

You pat your bed for him to sit next to you and he does and you rub his back and lay your head on his shoulder as if to ask, 'what's wrong'?

"You really love him huh? Wow. I will admit, that hurts. I was absolutely in love with Nezuko until I met you. Now, I know you're the one, but I want you to be happy too. That kiss was amazing, though." Zenitsu confesses, lifting his head to the sky.

You clear your throat and cough a bit before finally speaking, "I liked it too."

Zenitsu's eyes widen as he turns to look at you. "You felt it too: a spark? So why Tanjiro? Why him?"

"I don't know. You're the one who's been there for me to help and hold me but all he's done is hurt me mentally and physically. I can't get my mind off him, I just feel like I have to help him." you frown.

"Then use me." Zenitsu says.

"Zenitsu, I can't."

"Yes, you can. Keep your mind on me and let his memory fade away. I'll take care of you, I promise. You can fake it until you make it. I promise, I'll do everything in my power to make you happy." Zenitsu says almost desperately.

"Zenitsu Agatsuma, you'd really do all that for me?" you smile.

"For ten thousand lifetimes if I have to." he smiles back warmly, true love in his eyes.

"Then let's seal the deal." you suggest.

"Of course, my queen." Zenitsu obliges, giving you the softest, most passionate kiss you'd ever have.

"I love you, Zenitsu Agatsuma. I'm sorry it took me so long to see it."

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