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"Z-Zenitsu?!" you sniffle, opening your eyes to see his bright yellow and orange haori covering you.

"You don't have to talk about it." he coos.

"Thank you." you sniffle again, snuggling into Zenitsu's chest.

The two of you stay like that for a while, the silence only broken by the occasional sniffle.

"What should I tell the others if they ask what happened?" Zenitsu whispers.

"Just tell them I had to talk to a hashira and he was pretty bothersome, but I ran him off." you reply.

Zenitsu sighs, "That's basically what happened, minus the yelling on your end." he points out.

"Well, what else am I supposed to say? You guys basically know my life story, so why keep this from you?" you ask, hopeless.

Zenitsu hugs you tighter, "Because this is obviously a very sensitive subject. I mean.. everybody could sense that something was off when you came back last night and you having red, puffy eyes with bags under them - paired with tear streaks - doesn't wash away our concern." Zenitsu explains.

You huff, "I'm being forced to marry the sound Hashira in one month. My father is going to be there. The entire fate of the demon slayer corps and the Uzui clan rests on my shoulders." you blurt.

Zenitsu's eyes widen, terrified but he keeps himself together. "Yea, that is a lot. So, you're going through with it?" he asks.

"Yes." you sigh. "I just wanted to nurse you guys and start a new life." you complain.

"I'm sorry about all of this, but I'll keep your secret for you and when you need it, I'll be a shoulder to cry on." Zenitsu reassures you.

"Thank you, Zenitsu." you hug him. "It'll be our secret." you take his pinky finger and intertwine it with yours.

Zenitsu extends a hand to you as he stands first and you take it. As the two of you prepare to leave, you remember the aloe you wanted to pestle to make into a paste.

"Go ahead without me, Zenitsu." you direct him.

"Okay, call if you need me." he replies as he leaves.

You nod as you kneel to the ground, picking up the pieces of the broken bowl. You sigh to yourself, solemnly swearing that from now on, nursing would be your top priority. You vowed that you'd only come to Zenitsu when life seemed unbearable and you needed a good cry. You vowed to keep your chin up, getting to know each of your patients and new friends, keeping the two parts of your life separate - as they should be.

As you finished picking up the pieces of the bowl, you put them in a little trash can that was kept beside the pestling station. As you pulled a new bowl from the shelf and got more aloe vera, you had a sweet expression, your mind feeling cleared of all negative emotions.


As you left the herb room, a new bowl of aloe inside, you planned the rest the day in your head and was confident it would go well.

As you entered the kitchen you noticed that Zenitsu and Inosuke were arguing about something and Tanjiro looked a little pale and nervous.

"Hey, what's going on guys?" you question, sitting the bowl of aloe on the counter.

"This damn lackey doesn't know his place! Lord Inosuke Hashibira is the greatest and strongest! Tell his scrawny ass!" Inosuke shoots, flailing his arms around.

Zenitsu screeches, "Just who are you calling scrawny?!" eyes bulging.

Tanjiro sighs, embarrassed, "Cut it out you two." he commands.

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