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Your face and chest are on fire, "T-tanjiro." you say as you stiffen. "What are you doing? I need to start lunch. Please let me go."

"I'm sorry I just.." he sniffled. "I need you with me. Please stay. Please don't go." his grip tightened more, locking you in place.

You shot him a worried glance, and looked at Zenitsu.

"Tanjiro, come on. You have to let her go. She needs to do her job." Zenitsu said as he tried peeling Tanjiro off of you.

Tanjiro shook his head, holding you tighter; pulling you closer.

Zenitsu shot a look Inosuke's way, pleading him for help.

"Gampotchiro, stop it! Let her go, damnit!" Inosuke yelled, pulling Tanjiro as well.

"NO!" Tanjiro shot his head up, head butting Zenitsu. "I need her!"

"Tanjiro please stop!" you cried. "I'll stay. Just please, let me go!" you drop the laundry, falling to your knees as Tanjiro releases you.

"I'm sorry, Nezuko.. you shouldn't have had to see that." Tanjiro's voice breaks.

You, as well as Inosuke and Zenitsu, were confused. You looked beside Tanjiro's bed to see a small girl with a green muzzle in her mouth, crying next to him.

"Please forgive me. Your big brother won't do that again." he said as he started to pat her head.

The room went awkwardly silent and for a second, you thought about running.

"This is too much.. I don't think I can do this." you thought; tears pouring down your face.

"Excuse me." you said quietly as you ran out of the room.

Zenitsu and Inosuke exchanged a look. They had never seen Tanjiro so desperate before - it was scary.

While Zenitsu comforted Nezuko, Inosuke ran after you - both ignoring Tanjiro for the time being.

His friends weren't ignoring him with any ill intent, they just wanted to give Tanjiro the space he needed. Since the day Rengoku died, they've tried everything they could to cheer him up but nothing worked so they just couldn't anymore. They also felt confident in his recovery. After seeing how quick you stepped into action to comfort Tanjiro, the boys had faith that you could do what they couldn't.

"Nezuko, let's go this way, alright?" Zenitsu said as he led Nezuko into the hallway, following Inosuke who went to find you.

"Hey, girl! Nurse girl, come back!!" Inosuke shouted, hot on your trail.

"I- Inosuke?" you looked back, wiping your tear filled eyes. "Please stop, you shouldn't be running like that."

"Then quit running and follow me!" he shouted once again.

You sighed, "Alright!" sitting the laundry basket next to the door leading outside.

You followed Inosuke, unsure if he knew where he was going.

"Uum, Inosuke, do you know where you're going?!" you asked.

"Of course I do! Look, we're here." he retorted, stopping in the kitchen.

"What are we doing in here, Inosuke?"

"Having a meeting. Chiritzu should be here any second!" Inosuke said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "You're not in this alone and now, neither are we."

"Yea, what he said. Tanjiro's so distraught right now, nothing has helped the last two days but you. He wouldn't even speak until you got here. He just.. cried." Zenitsu tagged in.

"Mhhmm hmmph hmmph" Nezuko chimed in.

"We're sorry about him, he never acts like this. Please forgive him and help us get our friend back. We don't know what to do. He won't cheer up no matter what we do. Not even Nezuko can snap him out of it." Zenitsu continued. "Please help us Miss. (Y/n). Only you can." he finished as they all bowed their heads.

"Of course we'll still be there for back up and we'll help as much as we can but, he's only responded to you." Inosuke said, lifting his head.

You teared up. "I wanted to leave. I was so scared. He held onto me so tight, no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't run. I- I'll try my best to help but I don't kn-" you were cut off by a sudden hug from Nezuko.

"Mhhm mhh."

"You're new so don't push yourself too hard." you heard Shinobou say in your mind.

You shed a tear. "Thank you, Nezuko. Thank you all so much for entrusting Tanjiro to me." you say patting Nezuko's head. "Now, who's ready for lunch?"

Zenitsu and Inosuke explode with excitement. "Me!!" they shout in unison.

"Great! We're gonna have rice balls however, I still need to make them."

"We can help!" Inosuke shouted.

You laughed cutely. "Okay! Whoever wants to help, wash your hands and I'll tell you what you can do!"

Needless to say, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Nezuko washed their hands and waited for orders.

You were in charge of cooking the salmon, Zenitsu was to cook the rice, Inosuke was to cut the onions, and Nezuko was to prep the rice for folding once it was done. After everyone finished their tasks, laughs and chatter could be heard from the kitchen as you all had fun shaping the rice balls into little animals and telling funny stories. Everyone even found out that Inosuke is afraid of cats!

It was a blast and even Tanjiro knew it, hearing you all laugh so carefree. Though he didn't know what you all were doing, he knew he wanted to be a part of it.

The four of you heard soft footsteps enter the kitchen so you all turned to see who it was.

"Glad you could join us, Tanjiro!" you said, handing him a rice ball and some seaweed to make an animal face.

"What's going on here?" he asked, confused.

"We're putting animal faces on our rice balls. We even helped make them!" Inosuke butted in.

"Yea so join us!" Zenitsu smiled.

"Mhmm mhh." Nezuko added.

Tanjiro smiled, feeling happier than he had been in days. "Okay!" he chimes.

"Perfect!" you hummed as you laid your head on Tanjiro's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here."

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