.: People I knew (1) :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ Comfy ⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ I'm currently writing this on my little Bluetooth keyboard on my phone! I got new sheets for my bed. Mental health check!! having pastel sheets that turn into a grody storm super fast isn't good for my mental health, so I got dark blue ones with constellations on them. We also cleaned up the floor so there's no stuff piles, and vacuumed, and I dyed a tail - but I'll save that for another day because I wanna post something every day and I've been using up my post ideas. ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ Anyway, onto the topic! I've been collecting memories of people I used to know when I was... Well, me. I don't have too many yet, unfortunately, but the more I remember, the more I can piece together, and writing it out helps! ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑
⚝ Best friend - a non-mythical girl who I was open with about my shifter nature. She enabled me a lot, we did spells together, and I think she even was the reason why I got into magic or at least used it often.
⚝ Alpha - a dark-colored wolf shifter who may or may not have been a pack alpha or at least one of the leaders, as he was a lot older than the young kid shifters and shared his knowledge with us. He acted kinda scary, but I wasn't really afraid of him. We met during my first shift -  he had been keeping an eye on me when I went out at night, and was waiting for when I realized that I could shift. He was tough on me,  but he made me realize that I was capable of facing things that I couldn't as a human.
⚝ Pastel friend - another fully bright-colored wolf shifter. We bonded over being brightly colored.
⚝ Packmates - I remember specifically a group of three or four darkish-colored wolf shifters, two of which had wings. They were boys a little older than me, but seemed to be less serious about the whole thing and were silly and playful with me.
I might use a base or draw some of them,  but I only vaguely remember what they look like... Maybe I'll do a meditation on them and see if I can remember. ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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