.: Sick :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ recovering⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺
⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ I got really sick last week, so i've been recovering from that.

 I've had some time to think about myself, and I think I am, at my core, two things: I'm  a wolf shifter, and some kind of animal fairy.

My wolf shifter side doesn't have wings. The wing memories were of my fairy side! My wolf shifter side, faolan, was... i think still pink. ok ok no i'm gonna make this make sense

shifter - a pale pink, aurora touched tundra wolf shifter. Used normal witchcraft spells and magic and stuff but didn't have any particularly magical looking abilities. just witchcraft

Fairy - Something like a littlest pet shop fairy - almost recognizeable as a real animal, but "wrong" and different. I had pink fur, but i think it was much brighter, and i had other colored markings. I had green dragonfly wings and antanne with puffs of fur at the end, but i'm not sure what they sensed? I absorbed spite and negativity to fuel myself, I didn't need to eat. that's where my current ability to feed on negativity comes from. I didn't look exactly like the image below, but kinda similar!

I'm gonna meditate more on this so i can figure out more about my fairy side

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I'm gonna meditate more on this so i can figure out more about my fairy side. I already know so much about my wolf shifter side, i wanna know more about my new discovery! I wanna know what world i lived in, if it was this one, more about what it was like being a fairy and the others around me!!

I'm gonna try meditating tonight to see if i can find out more. I've been doing something I think is working. ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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