.: 9/28/22 :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ dizzy ⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ Sorry for not updating very much lately! I haven't had many relevant stuff to talk about! But I have been getting some sub results, losing weight, riding my bike and getting stronger... Over the past couple days, though, I've been feeling really light and sparkly, sometimes dizzy but not in the "didn't eat breakfast and now I feel faint" way. Last time it happened, I felt my face change a little bit... It didn't visually change, but I felt an Astral muzzle for the first time in a lkng time!

I'm hoping that I'll see more results with my magic subs that I've been using to rebuild my magic power. I already feel more like myself than I did, so I think it's working!  ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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