.: cursed :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ suspicious ⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ I've come to the realization that my "friend" mentioned in another page has done magics to keep me in her life.

When i was younger, I did things that were embarrassing and out of character, seemingly suddenly possessed by a scheme i couldn't get out of my head, that formulated all at once in my mind and that i simply couldn't do. Now, looking back, I realize that the attempted victims of these schemes (meant to be inconvenienced or harassed as a result) were all people that she didn't like. I met her soon after this started, and once i met her, "good" things started happening to me while we were friends in school. I started to get to know how her brain worked, because she seemingly decided that I was going to be her partner in crime very suddenly  and she didn't hide her petty schemes with me, and I realized today while thinking about things that these dumb ideas were the kind of thing she would come up with, enacted on enemies that i had no reason to dislike, and didn't know that she did. She's... not very bright.

After i no longer went to the same school as her, she kept showing up in my life even though she was one: banned from seeing me by her parents (for things that she did, not me) and two: i moved and switched numbers at least once. Each time, I humored her even though she was insufferable because I had a hard time saying no to people. Then i started doing magic more, and my witchy friends started taking notice of what they describe as a "built different aura" i seem to have - in the same way that i can drink nasty energy drinks everyone else hates and things that taste horrible to other people, and stuff that annoys or exhausts other people doesn't to me, i seem to be really resistant to cursed and harmful spells. And suddenly, the next time she contacted me, the obvious gaslighting and lying and whining so annoying that I decided that I was done putting up with her stuff and just called her out over the phone directly to her face, telling her that I was done with her if she wasn't going to stop bullshitting me. She was pissed! It sounded like she couldn't believe  that her coercing wasn't working on me anymore. That was the last time we talked.

I saw her once last year, and then once this week. We didn't talk, but I feel... different. I think she's doing something again. I have a pretty distinct face, so I know she recognized me the last time she saw me... I've been feeling "drained" somehow ever since. Like, the opposite of how i feel when i get energy from  a kid throwing a tantrum near me. I wonder if she knows anything about my mythicality in this world...

I think i might have been wrong about my color, too... I think my fur might be brown, with some kind of pink effect? I'll keep meditating on it, but my natural hair color is brown, so maybe other than my mane, i matched my natural hair more? ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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