.: My Other Goals :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ Hyper ⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ I'm always trying to become closer to my true self, and that doesn't just include becoming a wolf shifter. I have other related goals too! I've been using subs to do a few things beyond my wolf goals -
⚝ giving me more natural and endearing features like my voice and mannerisms. I had Mabel pines energy and an alluring voice that could disarm hostile people.
⚝ Becoming a powerful witch - I already have some innate magical talent, but I can't remember the spells I used or the magic system I was so naturally good at! I've been piecing things together, but I still don't have that much I can work with...
⚝ losing weight! I was very skinny, had a super fast metabolism and always had a ton of energy, and I've gotten the energy part... Now I'm just missing the rest.

Most of it I'm just using subs for, but I've  also been trying to do things to deal with the last part. Ive been having a lot more energy lately, and ive also been cutting down how much I eat! I'm always craving meat and fish, and I'm not the best at limiting how much I eat, so I have to really work to not eat waaay too much. But I've been doing good!

I've been bored a lot lately, so my new go to to prevent boredom is spinning in my office chair and listening to music. I used to do that for hours when I was a kid! The problem now... Is that I was spinning while writing this, and I started feeling really sick. I guess I can't go sicko mode in my spinny chair :( my legs are tired too. I guess I have to work up my leg strength! ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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