.: More Fairy Stuff :.

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⭒⸼⁺〭 ⚝ ⸢ thinking ⸥ ⚝⸼°⭒⸼⁺

⁺⭒°⸼ ⸢ I've been thinking more about my fairy identity. So far, here's some new things I've learned:

⚝ I had similar traits to both cats and coyotes - if you ignored the color, wings and antennae, I looked like a perfect cross between the two and I had features of both. 

⚝ I had some kind of fire magic - I could make colored flames, I started using those birthday candles with the colored flames to practice with it. My flames couldn't start fires, but they hurt if someone touched them and they produced a lot of light!

⚝ once I was able to start shifting, I didn't need to eat at all. Going to elementary school, I got enough negativity to jump-start my powers after Britney and I stopped eating, and then continuing to be in school meant I always had a lot of pettiness to be exposed to.

⚝ I had a den set up in my local park, which was really big and had a lot of hiking trails and green areas that I could hide in. Britney and I shared a den and figured out how to get electricity to it; I think it was near the edge of the park, so we just stole power from someone's house.

⚝ As an adult, the other shifters I lived with didn't know that I was a fairy, with  a few exceptions - they thought I was a normal wolf shifter who had learned magic. I don't think any other fairies were part of their pack, Britney avoided being seen by them

⚝ When I was younger I was afraid of hunters, but in elementary school, I got over it by talking to baby hunters who were hunters because they wanted to study mythicals. They had their own clique, like the mythicals/mythical wannabes, so I knew several that I could trust with knowing what I was.

Hopefully I can get more info next time I have time to think about this! The holidays are really busy, so I haven't had much time lately, but It's gonna ease up soon... I think I'll have more time to meditate soon! ⸥⭒⸼⁺⭑

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