; - prologue

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Two drunk teenagers with one of their arms slung around each other's shoulders wobbly walked in the middle of the dark, quiet and obviously already asleep neighborhood. The male was quiet, skin and lips pale and clearly looked like he was already out of his wits. Whereas the girl happily shouted the lyrics of a break up song on top of her lungs.

A boy with long, black hair irked when he heard her loud voice piercing through the night. He wanted to scold her so bad for disrupting people's sleep inside the comforts of their home but at the same time, he realized that his efforts of scolding her would go to waste as she was obviously drunk and out of herself.

Meanwhile, the two other men behind him just snickered under their breaths. Finding amusement in the girl's horrible singing tune and how her voice kept cracking when she attempted to do high notes and their other friend's pale flushed face that they are witnessing for the first time.

"Love is not for everyone!" The girl shouted, using her index finger to point at non nonsensical places among the neighborhood they are walking in.

"Damn relationships!" The boy shouted next, throwing his hand up in the air.

"Yeah!" The girl agrees, throwing her free hand up in the air as she copies him. "Damn all relationships and couples!"

"Let's send them to hell!"

"Go to hell!" The girl hunches her back and squints her eyes, pointing at nothing before wobbly straightening her back. "Let's go to hell too, Waka!"

"Damn right!" The boy shouted. "Let's get going now!"

"What do you think they're talking about?" A tall boy with tanned skin and muscular built leaned in to ask his two other sober friends. "They're telling couples to go to hell and then suddenly they're going there too?" He asks before letting out sounds of chuckling.

"Her voice is damaging my eardrums." Another boy with long, black hair responded. A cigarette stick resting between his lips.

A boy with black pompadour laughs under his breath, he too had a cigarette stick resting in the corner of his lips. Taking out with his fingers to let the grayish white smoke out past his lips. "They're quite amusing to me." He tells them, "They're like a comedic duo right now."

"Just look at those two." The boy with long, black hair said. Watching him and her walk mindlessly and wobbly in the middle of the road. He wasn't even surprised when they turned around to face the three of them.

"Shin chan!"

"Omi nii!"

The two drunk teenagers happily greeted them while jumping a little as they wave their free hands to them. The boy with black pompadour lets out a cackle and the boy with a muscular frame laughed out. The only one not laughing was the girl's older brother.

"Oi, you're going to wake everyone up!" He tells them, tossing his stick down on the ground before stepping on it. "Hurry up and get inside the house before our neighbors come out and see what the commotion is!"

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