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When Monday arrived, Rini slept separately from Senju and Haruchiyo, but despite this, she knew either the two of them would wake her up, usually by shaking her shoulder or hips. But if it was Takeomi waking her up, he would just pull her feet and leg out. But this time, what woke Rini up was the feeling of old and soft hands that nudged her arm.

"Rini? Rini! Wake up!" Their grandmother shook her until the girl's eyes finally shot open, letting out a hum before stretching her arms and legs. "Are you having a hard time finding the tofu, grandma? I put it in within the-"

"It's not the tofu, Rini." Their grandmother responded, causing Rini to furrow her eyebrows. "It's already seven thirty."

Upon hearing the time that her grandmother told her, the girl was quick to sit up straight up and immediately bolt to the bathroom to wash up. "Did the three left already?" She asks, brushing her teeth while walking back to her bedroom, laying out her uniform on top of her bed.

"They have" Grandmother responded, going back down to the living room. "Takeomi walked the two again to their school! I also told him to wake you up!" She adds from the living room.

Rini sighed while brushing her teeth. "Bastard didn't even wake me up." She mumbled under her breath, sighing once again before going back to the bathroom to finish her morning routine.

.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . ♡

"Is this totally fine?"

"What? Oh yeah- totally fine!"

"We've got ten minutes for ourselves, let's just stay under the shade."

The four founding members of Black Dragons sat on a wooden bench that's under a tree's shade. Takeomi leaned his back with his legs outstretched, Wakasa was busy looking around the campus with a cola flavored lollipop inside his mouth, Benkei was copied Takeomi's position but had his arms crossed over his chest, head resting back while Shinichiro pretty much still looked spaced out from Rini's rejection of last night.

"That was the...." Shinichiro begins to say but stopped, turning his head to Wakasa. "What was it again?"

"Your eleventh" The white haired male responded, crossing his legs while looking at his lollipop with a bored expression.

"Right" Shinichiro responded, "My eleventh rejection" He adds, turning his head to look at Takeomi next. "Why is your sister so harsh? Senju and Haruchiyo are so sweet."

"She looks calm on the outside but she's like Haruchiyo." Takeomi responded, sighing through his nostrils afterwards. "They're both blunt and but only nice to those they think worthy of their kindness." He said, turning his head to look at his president. "Are you seriously thinking about last night?"

Shinichiro nodded his head. "Pretty much. Yeah." he confirms.

Through the front gates of the school came Rini running with the keychains of her backpack creating a sound as she ran towards the main building.

"Speak of the devil" Takeomi says, him and the other turning their heads to look at the black haired girl beating the time.

"There she goes again" Shinichiro quietly spoke, looking at Rini like he was lost. "If I ask her out again, would she say yes?"

Benkei shook his head in response. "I can't defend you anymore" he responded.

Rini stopped from her tracks when she caught sight of Takeomi sitting by the bench. Huffing, she marches closer to him, kicking his shin before running away again, climbing up the school's slanted stands and stepping on windowsills to climb herself up, stepping inside what seemed to be her classroom's window.

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