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cw: slight suggestive

It was the second day of Sports Day and Rini was already getting tired of walking around campus, taking pictures of everyone and anything that could be used by the Journal Club to put in the paper.

"Waka" she whines, intertwining her left arm around his right arm, leaning her head on top of his shoulder. "I'm so bored. I want to go out and it's so hot." She complains, looking up at him. "What do you suggest we do?"

The white haired male removes his lollipop from his mouth. "Want to make out?"

Hearing his question made her blush profusely, her eyes immediately looking somewhere else. "If I say yes, what will you do then?" She bites back, mustering up her courage to look up at him.

And just as she did, Wakasa swiftly turned his body to face her, raising his left hand to brush away the stray hair strands getting on her face. "Just so you know, I like to use my tongue a lot." He says, leaning in closer to her face.

Immediately Rini pulled away, not expecting him to really do it. "Wait...are you for real?" She chuckles softly.

"Why not?" Wakasa asks, turning his head around both left and right. "It's not like anyone's going to barge in on us now." He adds, leaning in again closer to her, a hand gently cupping her face.

Rini sat still, heart racing and lips anticipating. As Wakasa tilted his head and removed his hand off hers so he could cup her other cheek, a soft gasp escapes her lips as she notices a figure a little far from them but coming closer.

"Hey Waka" she mumbles, blinking her eyes twice. "The school janitor caught us." She spoke.

"Oi, you two!" The janitor shouts, pointing at the two of them. "Relationships are prohibited among students!"

"Fucking hell." Wakasa mumbles, sighing before immediately taking a hold of her hand, sprinting away from him as the staff runs after them. Turning left then turning right, Wakasa kept running while Rini would occasionally turn her head back to see if he was still following. He is still but they were now much further away from him.

Turning around at a corner, he immediately pulled her into a narrow alleyway, their torso's pressed at each other's, soft panting escaping past their lips. As they stabilize their breaths, they hitched as soon as they heard the janitor's voice drawing closer to them.

"Damn I lost them." He spoke to himself, heaving his breath as he passes the two by. Continuing his search for them.

"Thank god we lost him now." Rini spoke, letting a sight of relief.

To say the least, Wakasa's mind was going in the gutter despite his best efforts to think of anything else. His best efforts were going down the drain, how could he when a pair of distinctly round tits are pressed against his chest. Looking at anywhere but down, Wakasa cleared his throat.

"Hey" Rini calls out to him. "Do you think it's safe to go out now? Or do you think he's still there?" She asks.

"I think it's best we go out now." He replies. "I don't hear anything anymore." He adds. Before he makes a move, he analyzes first - if they can get in, how can they get out?

"I think we should go out like this." Rini suggests. "We'll push our front bodies together then take small side steps until we get out." She nodded her head.

"Let's try that then." He said and with that, he pressed his body closer to hers before taking side steps in getting out. As their bodies press further together, he completely held back his urge to pin her against the wall, saving it for another sunny day.

"Ninee" Haruchiyo calls out to her, holding a handful of her shirt in his hand. "Is the world ending already?" He asks her.

"Hm?" Rini hums, looking at Haruchiyo. "Why did you ask?"

"Because Omi nii usually asks Senju what she wants for dinner. But tonight, he asked me." He truthfully tells her. "Ninee, if the world is ending, I hope it is!"

Rini couldn't help but chuckle to herself, squatting down so she could level with Haruchiyo. "Haru, Omi nii is doing his best effort to be kind to you. So...just thank him when he does something, okay? It'll help him rekindle his relationship with you!"

"But I don't want to!" He stubbornly responded, his icy blue eyes staring right into dark gray ones. "He always yells at me whenever Senju does something wrong, why do I get the blame for everything?" He asks, his small figure immediately shaking as tears well up in his eyes. "I wish I could be like Mikey or Baji! At least they know how to talk back!"

All she could do was stare at Haruchiyo for a moment, not realizing how deep his feelings have gotten already. Instead of responding, she pulls him closer to her, giving him a hug. "I'm always with you, Haru. Even when you think I'm far away, you can tell me anything and everything." She tells him, soothing his back. "Don't bottle up your feelings, you'll only dig yourself deeper and deeper. Your older sister fully supports you!"

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

On the last day of Sports Day, every student were frolicking around campus, enjoying the remaining hours they have left before they temporarily return back to their lessons until the weekend comes. With that being said, Benkei was walking around all by himself in the whole campus grounds, looking for Wakasa.

At this he already has it memorized. If he's not with him or with the other two, he's always with Rini.

Walking around the grass field in complete circle and not seeing either Rini and Wakasa, Benkei turns around and makes his way towards the school building, his final stop in looking for his best friend.

Entering the glass doors and passing by the first floor, the coast is clear. No one else except him was there. Marching up the stairs that leads the second floor, the coast is clear as well. But as he climbed up the third floor, his ears piqued when he heard voices coming from one classroom. Slowly and silent getting closer, he tried to listen into the conversation, wondering if the people he is hearing is Wakasa and Rini.

"Fuck. You should pull out." A girl's voice says followed by a whine.

"No." A boy's voice comes after. "Ah! Shit! I'm careful."

"Be quiet!" The girl hushes. "Oh god, Waka, just pull out!" Rini says

"I can't!" Wakasa responded. "Fuck it's hard...oh fuck it's coming out!"

"Pull out already!"

Hearing their words burned his face. Finally, his best friend is scoring with the girl he likes but can't confess yet because she likes someone! Maybe, maybe, after doing it, they'll finally bare their hearts to each other and enter a relationship! But then, as Benkei recalled, he heard Rini exactly say to pull out, so that means, they were doing it raw?

"Man, this is why I told you to always bring protection!" He says, busting the door open with a stern look on his face. However, his facial expression contorted into a confused one.

"Jenga?" Rini asks, lifting a piece of wood in her hand. "It's already wobbling but Wakasa is too much of a chicken to pull out!" She giggles.

Wakasa rolled his eyes at her words before darting to his best friends. "Wanna play with us?"

And Benkei just stood there, frozen. In which after a minute, he shook his head and turned around, closing the door behind him.

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