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italicized means flashback

As spring faded away for summer to come - sultry and scorching sun, humid air and yet, all their schoolmates didn't seemed to care. Why? Because finally, it's sports day! Three whole days of no classes and just sports, sports and sports!

But that wasn't the case for Rini as her body felt hot and sticky as today's temperature reached a hundred degrees Fahrenheit. She could already imagine herself getting a small basin and filling it with cold water while turning on the fan to it's maximum while drinking something cold. But that wasn't the case, as per club member of the Photography club were busy roaming around the school, taking pictures.

"Here." Wakasa spoke to her, handing to her a cold lemonade to drink, it's straw already plunged in. "Honestly, everywhere I go, I keep seeing you."

"Aw. Is that your way of saying that I'm running inside your mind?" She asks in a teasing tone, taking the drink and taking a sip. "Hey, lighten up will you? It's summer!"  Rini beams to him. "Where are the others?"

Wakasa cocks his head to the side while sipping on his straw. Following the direction by looking over his shoulder, the girl caught sight of Takeomi, Shinichiro and Benkei driving around and hitting each other in the bumper cars. The sight of their bright and wide smiles made her smile as well.

"At least they're having fun under this heat." She tells him, letting out a happy sigh afterwards.

"Are you free right now?" He suddenly asks her, his eyes looking up to her.

And as much as Rini would love to spend time with him, she shook her head in response. "Not yet." She replies. "Why don't you hang out with them first?" She asks, peering over his shoulder to look at the other three again. "When lunch time comes, find me in the Photography Club room."

When the clock strikes 12 noon, Wakasa quietly slips away from his friends who were busy looking around the various food stalls to enter inside the school building. For the most part, most of the student body were outside, basking under the sun and enjoying the three day no studying part of the school festival. So as he entered and climbed the stairs, there was no one else except him. 

But that was until he opened the door to the Photography Club room and that made him and Rini the only people inside the school building. There she was - sitting down on the couch in front of her desk with the first three buttons of her uniform unbuttoned, the fan turned to it's maximum power and her shoes and socks discarded off as she sleeps.

Closing the door behind him, the white haired male quietly goes over to her side, squatting down in front of her and watching her sleep. Looking so pretty and innocent as she sleeps away, the rising and falling of her chest, in which Wakasa couldn't help himself but to take a peak at the peaking cleavage and how smooth and elongated her legs looked despite folded while sitting.

"Pretty." He mumbles to himself as he simply continues to watch her sleep. He wanted to brush her bangs away and maybe place a kiss on her forehead, but he knew better not to wake her up. As though he continued to admire the sleeping beauty, his mind drifted off to that one conversation he had with Shinichiro.

"Don't you think that girl's cute? You should ask for her number." The tall male suggested to him.

Wakasa took one look at the girl he was suggesting to him before he shook his head. "Pass." He replied.

"Seriously?" Shinichiro chuckles, lighting up a cigarette that's resting in between his lips.

"If you think so, why not ask her then?" Wakasa asks, turning his head to look at him.

"Hey, I'm looking one for you. Not me." He reasons, raising his hands up defensively in the air. "Or maybe...you like Takeomi's sister?"

With their conversation being brought up inside his mind til then he realized that he had put her second, the gang coming first. And the more he continued to stare at Rini's pretty face, the more difficult it became. The same rush of hormones he felt on the night they both went out drinking came in again, only more intense as they are now in such a confined space.

Such how tempting his best friend's sister was.

Such how wonderful the times they've spent together.

So, with the growing urge in him and wanting to act on it, almost wanting to grab her and kiss her with everything he was feeling, he slightly raised his legs up and his back hunched, moving a little closer to her face. But as he drew nearer and neared did Rini's eyelids fluttered open until her dark grey orbs met his lilac ones.

"Wakasa?" She calls out to him in the sweetest voice.

He was completely taken aback by her sudden waking, his whole body felt like it was paralyzed as he held his breath. Assuring himself that no one else was in the building with them, he reached up with his hand and rest it gently on her cheek, gently caressing her warm skin with his thumb. It was still clear to Wakasa that no one else is with them, nobody but them. It was just him and her, completely alone with each other.

He leaned in closer so that his nose grazed on her lips, his forehead lightly pressing against hers as his left hand pressed firmly on the couch, the other on the seat besides her, trapping her in his arms. And for a moment, he saw Rini close her eyes, already anticipating his next move on her. Slowly drawing near, Wakasa lets his lips graze hers for just a second, never expecting a sweet, soft moan escaping her lips.

Until the door to the club's room opened did the two of them immediately pull away from each other. Rini's hands immediately fixing her uniform.

"I'm so parched." Vernon begins to say, fanning himself as beads of sweat began to trickle down his skin, his cheering uniform drenched in his own sweat as well. "It's only the first day of summer and it's so hot already!"

"The ice cream downstairs is really great, president!" Aimi chimes in, smiling while showing to her the cup of ice cream both she and Tadamasa have in their hands. "You should try it too!"

"That referee is a joke. Calling my move a foul but not the other player?" Riku makes a 'tsk' sound, wiping the sweat off his face with a towel. "That's cheating." He adds, closing the door behind him.

Even though Riku and Wakasa haven't spoken to each other yet, the sight of Riku's face already made Wakasa's blood boil, the feelings of irritation and annoyance clouding over his head and chest. Immediately, Wakasa makes his way to the door and slams it shut behind him, leaving the rest of the Photography Club members including Rini on why was he suddenly in a bad mood.

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