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It was moments like this that Rini wished she had gone yesterday to buy more lead pencils for her if they ever end up cracking and breaking while she's drawing for their Art Class. Pushing down clip, there was nothing left. Making her sigh in frustration while leaning her back on her seat.

"Wait...I think I have one lead left." Rini spoke to herself, lifting her backpack up on top of her lap, rummaging through her items to find her pencil case. "I really know that I have one left." She mutters, taking her pencil case out once finding it then looking through if she could find the case.

Bringing out her pencils and pens out, a hand came into her view, placing a mechanical pencil on top of her desk. Lifting her head up, it was Wakasa who quietly made his way to her, letting her borrow his own pencil.

"I saw that you were looking for another one." Riku butts into the two, walking over to Rini's desk as he hands to her his pencil. "I have a lot." He adds.

Wakasa blinks, astounded at how this guy suddenly swoops in and decides to steal her attention from him.

"Thank you!" Rini responded, smiling at Riku as he walks back to his own desk. Lifting her head back up to look at Wakasa.

"He said he has a lot-" She tried to explain but walked away without another word. Going back to his spot inside the library. As soon as Wakasa gets back in his seat, Rini tore a piece of paper from her notebook and began scribbling notes to it. Tossing it to the direction where Wakasa is.

When Wakasa noticed a piece of paper on his book, he immediately took it in his hands and began to unfold it.

Are you angry at me again?

Instead of replying back to her, Wakasa slipped the note inside the book he's reading.

Anxious about his action, Rini began to tear another piece of paper from her notebook and began to write another note for him, turning her body slightly to the side so it would fall again onto his desk.

Once more when Wakasa noticed a piece of paper on top of his desk, he unfolded it and began to read what was written.

I'm sorry. I'll only use your pen in the future. Please don't be mad at me. ㅜㅜ

Wakasa smiled and slipped the note inside the book he's reading again. In return, he tore a piece of paper and began to write something on it before crumpling it, tossing it over to Rini's direction. When the girl caught notice of the paper, a smile immediately paints her lips as she unfolds it.

You're so stupid :)

The following day after class, the teachers had reminded the senior students that the national mock exams were coming up and the school had decided to group every student in their final year in groups of three. They were especially stricter this year as they wanted to reap better results than last year. Hence, the school took care of their groupings, and upon seeing it, Wakasa was not amused.

Akashi Rini
Imaushi Wakasa
Kisaragi Riku

"Good luck!" Benkei sing songs at Wakasa while walking away. Though he may look blank and bored on the outside, he was already cursing at everything and everyone at school.

"Yay! It's nice that you two would finally meet!" Rini spoke, sounding enthusiastic. Wakasa thought, she might be the only one who's actually happy about this. Because when he looked at Riku, his facial expression is just the same as him. Even how they look is the same, what made them so different are their eye color and the way they have their hair styled.

"Riku this is Wakasa and Waka this Riku!" She introduced the two to each other, clapping her hands a little afterwards.

The two white haired males only looked at each other and didn't speak a word. Wakasa wasn't interested in getting to know about him, much less even talking to him; meanwhile Riku doesn't just casually talk to someone else.

"I'll take care of Science and Math." Rini announces, looking at the two white haired males sitting in front of her. "You guys can pick whatever subjects you want!"

As Rini handed to them the paper, Wakasa could only avert his eyes down on the printed text while Riku leaned forward to look at it. After a minute of silence, Riku began to speak.

"I'll take History and English." He replies, sliding the paper in front of Wakasa. "What about you?"

Wakasa shrugs. "Whatever that's left." He replied nonchalantly.

"Great! So Waka gets Ethics and Japanese Literature!" Rini exclaims, taking the paper from Riku's hand to scribble down their names and parts on the paper. "I'll hand this to our homeroom teacher then we can go home afterwards. Let's talk how we'll study after our week long summer break too!" She tells them before getting up from her seat and then walking away.

All the while Rini was away from the two, Wakasa made no efforts in talking to Riku and Riku the same as him. The two of them kept their mouths shut while their eyes kept looking around everywhere. Unbeknownst to Wakasa, Benkei was actually behind him from a good distance, laughing at his best friend and the turn of events.

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Are you literally not afraid that there are like four people who knows your secret?" Wakasa asks as he lounges with Rini inside the convenient store she worked later that night.

Rini shook her head in response while putting all the expired foods into a basket. "Not really. Those three have my word and I know you won't snitch me on Omi nii." She replies. "Don't you have anything interesting to do at home that you're here?" She asks, taking a quick glance at him.

"Nothing really." Wakasa lies. "Besides, I like hanging out with you here. It seems peaceful."

"Peaceful?" Rini repeats, chuckling. "I don't even think that's a great word to describe this workplace but sure. Peaceful it is." She says, slowly nodding her head, using her foot to slide the basket in one corner.

"Hey" Rini begins to speak again, looking at him now that she's returned back behind the counter, removing the mask and beret off her. "Have you ever kissed anyone before?" 

In response to her, Wakasa shook his head, turning to look at her. "Why did you ask?"

"Because I've never kissed anyone too!" Rini admits. "Although you did give me a slight impression before that you probably went on one or two dates with other girls and maybe kissed them towards the end. But I'm really surprised you didn't!"

"I did go on a few dates with other girls back then." He admits. "But they weren't anything serious." He adds.

The girl slowly nodded her head, letting his words sink into her mind. "Then...if I ask you to kiss me right now, would you do it?"

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