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an: work is summoning me again so by next week monday, i'll be having a different publishing time.

With her beret and face mask now off, the two of them sat down on the tile steps of the two step stairs that leads to the glass doors of the convenient store. With her secret out of the bag already, Rini didn't know if Wakasa would tell her on Takeomi or not.

Darting his eyes on her side profile, Wakasa stared at Rini as she could only look down on the ground and forward, she was looking at everywhere except for him. Because of that, he ripped the plastic that enveloped around the cigarette box before ripping the box open.

"Start talking." He tells her. But the girl scoffed, putting her beret and face mask back on.

"If you're going to tell me on him, go ahead." Is what Rini replied while the cancer stick rested on the corner of his lips. "The only reason why I'm doing this is because I don't want to depend on my grandmother's money to buy myself the cameras I so direly want to have. Her pension is for herself and the money we receive from our father solely goes to-"

Instead of responding, Wakasa patted the free space besides him. "Sit back down, will you?" He asks, his droopy lilac eyes looking up to meet her dark gray ones. "I'll keep your secret if you keep me company right now."

Rini didn't know what to say when Wakasa offered her a proposition. Of course keeping him company was no problem, it was three in the morning and from that time until five, there would be little to no customers entering. But to keep her secret when he's friends with her older brother? That was rich coming from him.

Turning back around, she back again while removing her mask and beret. Heaving out a deep breath, Rini crossed one leg over the other, resting her elbow on top of her lap while her cheek rested on top of her knuckles. Her eyes moving to look at Wakasa as he smokes by himself.

"I didn't take you for one to smoke." She admits, her shoulders dropping a bit down. "You seemed like a guy who would only suck on a lollipop." She adds.

Wakasa piqued at this, turning his head to grin a little at her. "Suck on a lollipop only?" He asks, a teasing grin  painting his lips. "Should I demonstrate where I like to suck on more?"

Hearing his words, Rini's cheeks immediately turned pink in color, whipping her head away to look forward at the empty road before them. "Never mind that I said that." She mumbles. "Is the meeting over?" She suddenly asks.

Propping his elbows back, Wakasa nodded his head yes in response, his eyes now looking up at the starry sky. "Why?" It was his turn to ask.

"Because if it wasn't over and you're lounging here, they'd grow suspicious. Don't they?"

"Nah. I'll just say I took a fat leak or dump and the flush isn't working properly."

"...That's sounds plausible."

The two of them became quiet for a moment before Rini opened her mouth again. "If the meeting's over, don't you want to get home?"

Instead of responding first, Wakasa took his phone out of his pocket to check the time. 3:21am. "What time does your shift end?"

"Five." Rini plainly responded. "Seriously...what are you going to do for the remaining time?"

"Nothing." Wakasa replies, turning his head to look at her. "But since you're not doing anything too. Let's do nothing together." He adds, turning his head quickly away to puff the smoke out of his mouth. As he was doing so, Rini scooted herself closer to him.

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