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While the rest of his friends were busy hearing how Shinichiro got rejected by another girl for the nth time, Wakasa was zoning out of the conversation, sitting on the opposite side with his elbows propped on top of the wooden table, one leg crossed over the other; all the while watching Rini who is all smiles, cheeks light pink in color while subtly flirting with Riku as the two of them stroll around campus during their lunch break.

Wakasa couldn't understand what Rini was trying to do, but it was obvious that she was laughing all by herself while not so subtly brushing the back of her hand against Riku's. The other white haired male looked like he was just letting her do what she wants while not paying attention to it.

"You know if you like her, I can cover up for you." Wakasa didn't needed to turn around to know who was talking to him. As he knew this voice belonged to Benkei's.

"Nah" Wakasa replies, wriggling his foot that's dangling on top of his knee. "Me and her are just friends." Was all he replied.

Benkei slowly nodded his head, turning his body around to look at Rini who is still not so subtly flirting with Riku. "Uh huh...just friends." He repeated. "I'll ask you again in about a month or two and let's see if you'll still reply with just friends."

Wakasa scoffed, getting up from his seat before walking inside the school building, ignoring the stares he was receiving from other girls. Mindlessly, he trudged up the stairs with his hands shoved inside the pockets of his pants. Before he could even process where he was going, he found himself face to face with the door that leads him to the school's rooftop.

Opening and closing the door behind him, he walks his way back to the same bench he laid down on the other day, but instead of laying down, he just sat on the bench like any other person would. And to be honest, he grew to like this spot. Everything was just so peaceful, so quiet, it was like he was in another world and he's all alone.

Until the door to the rooftop opened.

"I found you here again!" It was Rini, a lollipop sticking inside her mouth. Making her way to sit besides him while rummaging something out of the pocket of the cardigan that's wrapped around her waist.

"Lollipop?" She offers to him, Wakasa averted his eyes to look at the sweet treat on top of her palm. "I'm not really sure what flavor you like, but I got you lemon!" She adds.

Instead of answering her question, Wakasa took the wrapped sweet on top of her hand, pocketing it before taking out the lollipop that's inside her mouth, taking it inside his. Cherry.

"A new flavor, huh?" He asks, swirling his tongue around the ball, coating his palate with the mildly sweet and sour taste.

"The strawberry and cream sold out before I got there." She chuckles softly, leaning in a bit while taking the lollipop out of his mouth, popping it inside her mouth for a second before feeding it back to him. "Not only do I like strawberry and cream, but I happen to like cherry flavor too." She adds, leaning away before placing her bare legs on top of his lap.

Because of her action, Wakasa raised a brow at her despite placing an arm on top of her legs.

"I'm just comfortable around you now." She tells him, giving him a small smile. "Were friends, right?" There it was again.

"Friends, huh?" Wakasa repeats, his hand gently patting her calf. "Don't you have any friends?" He asks her.

Rini shook her head, leaning her right arm against the back rest of the bench. "I don't have any." Is what she tells him. "I guess that's what happens when your last name is Akashi and your big brother is a delinquent." She shrugs to herself. "Outside of the family related, you're the first person I'm really comfortable!" Rini beams to him.

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