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Standing in front of the mirror, Rini mostly took out her clothes from her cabinet and mix and matched them altogether - looking for the perfect outfit combination to go on her first date. Though she may look like she was handling this pretty well on the outside, she was actually panicking on the inside.

What if her stomach started to hurt badly to the point she wants to sit down on the toilet and it takes her too long to come out? What if a seaweed paper would end up getting stuck in between her teeth? Or worst comes to worst, one of his friends sees them enjoying their time?

So much for not liking delinquents and not wanting to date one as she told them back then.

"Where are you going, Ninee?" Haruchiyo asks, peaking through her bedroom door. Behind him, Senju takes a peak as well.

"I'll be going out later!" She tells them, a wide smile painted on her lips, squatting down before them. "Actually I'm going out on a date. Will you two promise me not to tell Omi nii about that?"

"We will!"

"We will!"

And with that, Rini showed to them her pinky finger, in which both Haruchiyo and Senju stuck out their pinky finger as well to intertwine with hers.

"It's my first time to notice that you're wearing an earring, and it's really pretty." She says, leaning a little closer to admire the earring he wears in one ear.

"I got it back when I started my own gang." Wakasa responded, noticing how empty her hands were. Smoothly, he slid his hand down her arm and then intertwining their fingers together.

His action along caused her blood to rise through her cheeks, blushing as they hold hands for the first time. "I-I didn't know you had your own gang before." She tells him.

"Oh but I used to." Wakasa grins, tugging on her hand as he leads the way for them. "I used to have a gang in the Kanto region called Kodo Rengo."

"That's so cool." Rini responded, looking up at him. "But how did you end up in Black Dragons?"

"Shin ended my supposed dispute with Benkei's gang. At that time, they were called Ragnarok and he stopped us before we could fully engage in a gang war." He explains, lightly swinging their hands together as they walk. "Apparently after meeting him, Benkei told me that all he wanted was to say hello to me and become my friend, but I looked past that."

Rini couldn't help but chuckle at his words. "That's funny hearing it." She says, giving him a quick glance. "Has anyone ever told you that you're pretty?"

"You're the first." He tells her, taking their hands inside the pocket of his jacket.

"You're really pretty." She admits, giving him a tight lipped smile. "Your eyes are pretty, your eyelashes are even pretty, and your nose-"

"She's so in love." Wakasa jokes, chuckling under his breath before earning himself a light slap in the shoulder by her. "But it's true?!"

"Oh hush! Let me enjoy this moment with you!" She beams to him.

It was at that exact same time, the two teenagers could hear hushed voices and small footsteps that seemed to be close to them. Turning their heads around, there was nobody around. Wakasa turned around and took a step to see if anyone was actually following behind them, letting go of her hand in the process. While checking, he spots two people hiding.

"Look who decided to come with us." Wakasa says. Eventually Senju and Haruchiyo came out from their hiding spot.

"Haru? Senju?" Rini asks, looking at the two of them. "What are you two doing here? I thought you two were back at home."

"But we wanted to go out, Ninee!" Senju responded. "Haru nii says he wanted to come along, so I went with him too in case he gets lost!"

"I told you, I won't get lost!" Haruchiyo defends.

Rini turns to look at Wakasa. "I guess...we have to bring them with us. That okay with you?"

Wakasa shrugs. "I don't mind."

. . . . . . . . . . ♡

"Can we go to the skating rink?" Senju asks, pointing at the attraction. "Pleaseeeee."

"I'm up for it." Rini responded, turning her head to look at the other two.

Wakasa simply nodded his head while Haruchiyo, who's sitting on top of his shoulders, nodded his head happily. "Let's go there, Ninee!" 

Since Rini was holding Senju's hand, the younger girl tugged on her hand and began to drag her there. "I don't even think you know how to skate, Senju." She tells her.

"You're right, Ninee. I don't know how to skate but I'll try!" She beams to her, smiling with her eyes closed.

Rini could only sigh and pay for their entrance. Upon granting entry, Senju and Haruchiyo were quick to run to where the skating shoes are stacked. The two children immediately get one of their size and putting it on their feet.

"Do you even know how to skate?" Wakasa asks as he catches up with her.

Rini giggled then shook her head. "I guess I'll cling onto the sides for dear life!" She amuses him.

Taking one shoe size for her, she sat down on one chair, removing her shoes. Wakasa sat down in front of her and proceeded to do the same - removing his shoes to put on the roller skate ones. All the while he was doing so, he couldn't help but glance at the girl in front of him.

Just by looking at her, he realized how she had an average height, not that he was making a connection between their heights. Her eyelashes - pretty and long and a cute small noise. Everything else about her is pretty too . Watching her tie the shoe laces of her skating shoes made him raise the corner of his lips, grinning at her.

Just as Rini finished tying her shoes, she lifted her head up to look at him. "Is there something on my face?" She asks.

But Wakasa shook his head. "Nothing really." He replies, "Let's go. Senju and Haruchiyo are getting impatient."

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