6. My Tutor

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Savannah's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling tired from my long day last night. Adam and Matt came home with food and everyone ate like animals, we were all hungry and we couldn't hide to admit it.

It's Tuesday afternoon and in college I tried my hardest to avoid Callum as much as I could. Purely because we haven't spoken face to face ever since we argued and I'm too shy to approach him. I had one lesson in maths with him and we didn't speak then either. The uncomfortable silence was chocking us, but I'm used to it so I tried my hardest to work. Overall, my day at school was average except for the part when my maths teacher announced that we have a maths mock exam after the holidays. I'm going to be stressed throughout my holidays now.

When I come home I instantly dig my head into my maths book and make sure to focus 100% on maths and only maths in my free times.

It's currently 6:00 pm and my brain is on the verge of exploding. I feel like I shouldn't have vowed that I'm committing all of my time to maths without actually thinking about the mental pain that's going to affect me afterwards.

I've decided to give myself a break. I wander around the house trying to find out what everyone is up to. The room next to mine is Theo's, seen as though he's the closest to me right now, it wouldn't hurt to check up on him, would it?

I knock on his door lightly and don't hear an answer so I decided to walk in. I can see Theo working on his laptop with some headphones on. "Hey." I try to start a conversation but he doesn't budge. I walk up to the side of him and he finally looks back at me, shocked. It's cute seeing him distracted. Theo takes off his headphones and that's when I recognise some familiar symbols on his laptop. "Hey, are you doing maths?"

He just looks at me like he wasn't expecting me to say a thing. "Erm...Er yeah."

"Are you any good?"

This made him look at me with a playful smile. "Well obviously, otherwise I wouldn't have got the degree in it." WHAT?

"You have a degree in maths? In MATHS? Am I hearing that right?"

He starts to laugh. He looks so adorable when he smiles, he should do it more often. "Yeah, is it so hard to believe?"

"You haven't mentioned it before."

Theo shrugs his shoulders. "I didn't think I had to."

"Look, if it isn't any trouble, is it alright if- um... you help me?" I ask playing with my fingers to distract me.

"With what? Maths?" 

I nod my head.

"Sure. But we'll have to agree on times when both of us are available and we need to make a timetable so we are consistent." I notice how organised he is, honestly it's so attractive. He hands me a piece of paper. "Here are the times I am free at. Come back to me when you've decided what times you want to study. I don't have a time limit for you but just try not to pick times that are back to back as I don't want to be overworking you." I don't know why but seeing a guy this coordinated is just dreamy.

I get the piece of paper and smile. "Okay thank you." Which he just replies with a nod and puts his headphones back on. Okay, I guess that's my cue to leave.

I scramble into my room and search the whole perimeter of my desk to find my school timetable. Once I find it, I compare mine to Theo's. I'm so curious as to what he does throughout the day because some days he starts at 9 am and other days he starts at 11 am. On most of the hour slots of his timetable, he has weird letters next to them, some are 'KP', 'JR', 'DB'. And then there would be understandable notes like 'gym' and 'break'.

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