17. Mind Fucked

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Savannah's POV

I wake up to a completely different ceiling that I'm used to. Where am I? I shut my eyes and try to remember the events that led me to this place but I can only remember being at the party. No, please don't say I've slept with someone.

"Good morning darling." I turn and look at Theo who only has a towel around his waist, he's stood at his bathroom door with a smirk. At least I know I'm home. He does look good with his carved body showing and his wet thick hair slightly hanging over his face, but I'm not going to show that because I still highly dislike his presence.

"Ugh what am I doing in your room?"

"I took your virginity remember?"

I give him a disgusted look. "You wish."

"Okay, you explain to me why you're in my bed with my clothes on and there are used condoms under the bed." Shit. No. Not to him.

I crawl over to the edge of the bed and look underneath. There's nothing there, especially not condoms. I feel the bed bounce underneath me, followed by laughter. "You didn't seriously believe me did you?"

I get back up and look at him sat on the bed with sweats on this time. "Ugh just stop with the jokes and tell me how I got here." My tone is harsh and annoyed.

Theo drops all of the positive facial expressions from his face. "I just didn't think you wanted to sleep in your room."


"Because of what happened the other day. I thought you were still scared."

"That's all your fault. Why do you care?"

"Because I know I was wrong."

"Yes, you were wrong for using me. Wrong for faking how you felt about me. And wrong for manipulating me into thinking we had something."

"Savannah I never meant to use you, we did have something." Theo looks at me with pleading eyes, but I'm not going to fall for it.

"You knew exactly what you were doing. Don't give me that bullshit."

"When we kissed in front of Callum, it was real. Every special moment I had with you was real."

"Hang on a second... you knew Callum was in the room?" I narrow my eyes.

He scratches the back of his head whilst mumbling. "Oh shit." It's loud enough for my ears to pick it up.

"You did, didn't you? Oh my god Theo. Did you only kiss me because Callum was there?"

"Ye." He avoids all eye contact.

I get off the bed, walk up to him and slap him across his face. "You're unbelievable." Then I walk out of his room into mine. 

I'm seriously done with this guy. Talking to him doesn't help me at all. It all makes sense now, Theo only did all of this so Callum backs away from me, making it easier for him to use me.

As soon as I step into my room my head feels like it's been punched 100 times. Instant karma. I believe this is what they call a hangover. I'm never ever going to drink again. Why do we do this to ourselves? I guess my morning is going to be spent figuring out what will help it.

Theo has been out all day, it's 10pm now. A few minutes after our chat I heard him slam the front door and he hasn't returned ever since. I despise him so much.

Adam comes into the front room where me and Matt are sat in front of the TV. "Theo's still not back yet."

Matt talks after him. "He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts either."

"He hardly ignores me. What happened?" Adam shows concern in his voice.

"Don't know man. Don't worry about it I doubt he's doing anything serious, he would tell us if he was. He's probably just working or something."

"Yeah, I guess."

They both continue watching TV. But I feel concerned now. I can't help myself but wonder where Theo is. I shouldn't be worrying about him like this but I seriously hope nothing bad has happened. I know that he's probably angry and he deserves it, he hurt me. So why am I feeling like the bad person now?

About an hour later, Adam tells me and Matt that he's going to bed as he heads upstairs. As soon as Matt hears Adam's door close he turns the volume of the tv down and faces me. "I know where Theo is, he has been answering my texts and calls."

"Where is he?"

"He's at a mates house, he's staying there overnight."

"So why did you lie? We should tell Adam." I start to get off the sofa.

Matt holds my wrist and sits me back down. "That's the reason why we can't Savannah. I know what's going on between you and Theo."

"What do you mean? Nothing's going on."

"This morning I walked into his room, just to borrow his charger. Then I saw your unmissable dress on his chair and your makeup remover on his desk. So I started to ask questions. And to be honest he was in a deep hole. So he told me everything."

"Please don't tell Adam, it'll break his heart in too many ways."

"Don't worry about that, I ain't no snake."

"So where is this going?"

"Well basically, I'm not going to lie but you're good for him."

My brows knit together. "How?"

"Let's say he's got some issues, that I'm sure he'll tell you in his own time. But he forgets that when he's with you so you need to be careful."

"What does that even mean? Give me a bit of detail at least."

"That's on him to tell you."

Not satisfied with his response, I reply. "Okay."

"Anyways, you should still give him a chance and hear him out."

"He hurt me, I'm not going to."

"You still care about him Savannah, you showed it earlier." He does have a point. With me having nothing left to say Matt gets up from the sofa and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Just think about it." Then he heads up to his room.

Never in my life would I have thought that Matt would be the peacemaker or the comforter. He must be serious about this and I guess that shows that he wants things to be good between Theo and I.

I have no idea what to do.

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