27. Mistaken Judgement

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Savannah's POV

Yesterday had to have been the best day of my life. I have never felt as connected to someone as I have with Theo. I loved every single second of the moment. Why didn't I do it sooner with him? I needed this so much these past weeks and I've finally got it. I can't wait to try out more things.

I wake up in a good mood, the best mood. I'm pretty sure this mood isn't going to die out soon. Unfortunately, I have a full day today at college but it's fine, that's normal. I can't wait to talk to Rosanna today and finally update her on everything that's happened so far.

It's break time and I haven't seen any of my friends yet. We all usually meet up in our spot which is the corner table in the cafe of our college.

When I get there I see Sophia sat there waiting for us. I haven't spoke to her ever since that time at the party. She hasn't made an effort to message me about what happened and due to me being stubborn, I don't want to message her first. But right now I don't have a choice but to face her.

"Oh hey." She gives me an over exaggerated smile.

"Hi." I say bluntly whilst avoiding her face.

"So how were your hols?"


"How many exams have you got again?"


"Oh damn." I don't know why Sophia is talking about everything but what she's done at this point.

I turn to face her. "I know what you did with Callum so there's no point in you trying to avoid it."

"Savannah, please... I didn't mean to... like, all I did was turn around and his... his face was right there. And he came on to me.... and I pulled away straight after and shouted at him." What? Did she rehearse this or something?

"Okay, now you're talking shit. I know how it all went from start to finish. I just think you're a sly selfish little bitch." I see Rosanna and Mackenzie begin to walk towards us which makes me hurry to finish off what I want to tell her. "Who is a hopeless slut that can't keep her hands to herself, not even to the guy that your close friend likes."

Her face looks like it's got slapped. Even though she's trying her best to hide it, I can still see her face turning slightly red..... to my amusement. Sophia doesn't reply to me as Mackenzie and Rosanna have joined us now.

They seemed to have not noticed the uneasy silence in between me and Sophia as they carry on having group discussions about daily gossip.

After break I head off to my English lesson and realise I have a message from Theo.

Are you done for the day?

Nope, I have a full day today.

It doesn't matter then.

Why? What did you need?

I wanted to take you out for lunch.

Now, this is an offer I'm not missing out on.

I'll skip my lesson, we can go.

No, don't do that. We'll eat out another day.

Okay dad, damn.

He doesn't reply after that. I wish so badly that I was free. This would've been mine and Theo's first proper date. And he's so stubborn about education that he won't let me miss the lesson. Ugh, why has he got to be like that?

My next door neighbour | Updated | ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat