22. Home Sweet Home

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Savannah's POV

I roll my eyes at my dad with a massive smile on my face. Even if I tried to hide it, it wouldn't. I run up to him with a jump at the end and hug him. He wraps his gigantic arms around my body, holding the embrace for as long as he can.

"Leave some of her to me." My mum pushes my dad with a playful laugh. He hesitantly lets go of me and allows me to hug my mum. "How are you darling?" She cups my head in her hands and kisses me back and forth.

I laugh. "Mum it's only been 2 weeks."

"2 weeks is too long for me." Then she hugs me again.

When she eventually let's go, Theo and Matt who have been awkwardly waiting, greet my parents also.

"Mr and Mrs Howard, welcome to our home." Theo holds out his hand to shake with my parents.

My dad eagerly shakes his hand back with a huge smile. "Thank you for having us son." My mum gives a warm smile and shakes his hand afterwards.

Matt shakes their hands too with a nod. It's funny because he seems so out of place like he hasn't met adults in his life.

"You both must be starving! Come on, let's eat." Adam ushers my parents into the dining room.

My mum pulls out the chair and sits down at the table, followed by the rest of us shortly after. "You've got a nice place here. I'm surprised it's so clean." She then guiltily looks at Adam. "No offence." And lets out a quiet laugh.

I laugh with her. "Mum you don't even know the half of it! I nearly died from their germs." I widen my eyes to exaggerate what I'm saying.

Adam sat opposite of me pulls a disgusted yet confused face. "No you never. You are the dirtiest one out of us all."

"No I'm not! I'm the person who made this place breathable."

"Pft I had to hold my breath near you."

"I was chocking in every room you were in."

"That's not the only thing you'll be chocking on." Theo mumbles to the right of me.

"Erm-Er" I'm taken aback. Theo never says things like that when we are alone. It's so risky that he's saying this in front of my parents, it's like he has a thrill in it. 

"You two." My mum speaks up. "Stop it now, I'm hungry. If you both want to kill each other. Feel free to after I've ate."

Adam starts. "I'd win anyways."

I reply. "You wish, you can't even kill a fly."

"You look like a fly." I hear the guys laughing quietly around me, trying to keep it in.

"A fly looks better than you still."

Adam opens his mouth to respond that's when my mum cuts him off. "What did I just say?" My mum raises one of her brows at me and Adam. That's the sign she gives when she's starting to get annoyed.

"Sorry, mum." It's so satisfying seeing him apologise for some reason.

I mimic his sulk and then he kicks me hard under the table. Any bet that I've got a bruise. "Let's start our dinner." 

After everyone has ate we chill for about half an hour then Theo stands up. "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Howard but I'm going to head to bed, I have an early start tomorrow."

My Dad stands up after him. "No need to apologise, we understand." He pats him on his back then my mum stands up also.

"Yeah, we know how hard you work, keep it up." And she hugs him.

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