19. Shopping trip

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Savannah's POV

I decided to make my Friday afternoon more eventful when I texted Rosanna to meet me at the shopping centre.

About half an hour of me shopping by myself I feel a pair of arms grabbing my waist. I turn instantly with only the expression of shock on my face.

"Bitch you scared the shit out of me." I smack Rosanna.

She starts to die of laughter holding her chest while she's crouching on the floor. "Sorry I couldn't help myself."

"It wasn't even that funny."

"You should've seen your face. You would've died."

I smirk trying hard not to laugh. "Shut up."

Eventually, she gets back up from the floor and links her arm with mine. "Let's get a milkshake, you need to update me on everything."

After shopping for a while and telling Rosanna everything that's been going on between me and Theo, she couldn't believe what I was saying most of the time. While she hates what he did with Katie, she said that if he makes me happy then she approves.

"Oh my god, we need to go to 'Victoria's Secret' I need some bras." Rosanna pleaded.

"Okay, where is it?" I ask whilst looking around me.

She points towards the shop that's right in front of me. "Right there! Are you blind or something?"

"Bitch, you have too much fun by mocking me." I laugh at her and we both walk into the 'Victoria's Secret' shop.

"That's because you bring it on yourself."


"By acting stupid and making it easy to mock you." She runs up to a white lacy bra with red flowers on it, that's on a mannequin. "Oh, how cute is that!? I need it now!" Then she turns to underwear that matches it. "And this!" Then her eyes fix on another bra, in a green/blue colour. "Oh my god, and this one! The colours are amazing!"

"Woah you need to chill, have you even got enough money for it? This is expensive."

Rosanna looks at the price tag. "Meh, it's alright. I need a basket to put all this in." She runs to the front of the store and grabs a basket to put all of her lingerie in it.

She walks past a mannequin with a red see-through nightdress on that has a bow on the under bridge of the bra. "You're buying this now!" She turns and glances at me.

"Me?" I place my hand on my chest. Then I shake my head. "No, never."

She frowns. "Why? It'll suit you so much."

"It's too brave for me."

"Babe, it has your name on it. Trust me, it's your type."

"Hmmm, I don't know."

"Just try it out. You have a chance to show it off to someone now." Rosanna winks at me, reminding me that Theo and I are on good terms.

I smile, trying very hard not to expose how excited I am on the inside. "That doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with him."

"I know it doesn't, don't be ridiculous. However, I reckon he'll be good in control. Only you'll find out." She smiles at me cheekily. This girl just doesn't stop!

I end up buying the dress and after Rosanna buying around 20 other pairs of lingerie, we decide to go and get a bite to eat, halfway through our burgers her eyes widen.

"What?" I stare back at her trying to read her expression.

"I forgot to tell you! Shit, how did I forget?" She starts to talk to herself.

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