20. Threats

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Savannah's POV

It's Saturday afternoon and I can't stop thinking about what Callum wants. I've only left my bedroom for food and that was a small few times. I bury myself in the covers with only my head and hands poking out so I could go on my phone.

That's the only thing I've been doing so that's why I'm not surprised when my phone is already 5%, oh how much that red bar frightens me.

I look all over the room for my bright pink charger and that's when I realise that a certain someone has stolen it. Matt! Ugh.

I storm out of my room, heading straight for Matt's. He needs to make my life that tiny bit difficult. I don't bother knocking as I step straight into his room.

He's halfway through putting his shirt on, giving me a glimpse of his defined abs. "Are you crazy? I was naked a second ago."

"But you're not now so I don't care. Give me my charger." I hold out my hand.

"I don't have it."

I cross my arms. "Lies you always need it."

"But I have Theo's. He's probably got yours." Then a smirk forms on his face. "He's luring you with bait, you see."

"What's the point? He can just ask me and I'll be there."

"Oh, so you're an eager one?"

"Oh shut up." I walk out of his room and straight to Theo's.

I don't see him in his room so I knock on his bathroom door. "Theo, are you here?"

"Yep, come in."

"Are you sure? I don't want to walk in on something." What happened with Matt was close, it's only making me realise now how badly that could've gone.

"Savannah just walk in."

I do as he says and open the door. I see Theo putting cream on his face with one hand and lifting his hair up from his face with another. After rubbing it all in he looks over at me. "Did you just come here to watch me put on moisturiser?"

I look away instantly. "Erm no. Do you have my charger?"

Theo walks out of the bathroom, up to his bedroom door and locks it, then he lays down on his bed. "Yes."

I turn to where he's laying down. "Well can I have it?"

"No." That was quick.

"What? It's my charger I need it, give me it."

"Under one condition."


"Come over here." I wander up to the side of his bed. He pulls me down on the bed with him so I'm straddling him. "Give me your best kiss and if it's good enough I'll give you it."

I swallow. "Okay." In my head, I sarcastically thank him for putting me under pressure. He wants my best kiss, the best kiss I've ever had was with Theo and that was when he was in control. How can I be better than him? 

"Now or never babe." I snap out of my thoughts.

I need to stop thinking and just go for it. I lean down to his face so I can feel his breath against my lips. I hold Theo's jaw in my hands and press down to kiss him, slowly at first, really slowly to savour the moment. Then instinctively I move quicker, he keeps up matching my speed. His hands slide up and down my waist. I pull away pushing his hands on the bed. "No, no touching."

His breathing is ragged. "But Savannah..." His voice has turned huskier and deeper than usual, this complimented my name along with turning me on.

I push myself back down to him and kiss him with higher passion, his tongue roams over my mouth as he's making the most of how limited he is of being able to touch me. Theo groans, giving me signs that he likes it. "Fuck...Savannah I've never been so turned on by kissing someone." The best sign.

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