45. Accepted Relationships

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Savannah's POV

Theo stares at me with his brows knitted together.

Matt is stood at the door with a smirk on his face. "Go on Savannah, explain what happened." He's changed back to his old self.

Theo's face relaxes. "I already know what happened." He turns to Matt. "Well done Matt, it only took you a month to kiss her, I'm proud of you bro."

I want to laugh because of the look on Matt's face but at the same time, I don't want Theo to focus on me. "Eh? What? Are you not mad?"

Theo turns back to me. "Nah not really, I don't blame her."

"What the fuck is this? I swear you're crazy."

"Maybe I am, now leave my room."

"I'm not in your room." Matt looks down where his feet are just outside of the room. Wow.

Theo gets up and walks towards the door. "Okay then grow up you idiot." He closes the door in his face.

We hear Matt from the other side. "You grow up."

Now, this makes me laugh. Theo looks at me annoyed at first but then, like me, fails at holding in his laugh. "He seriously has a mind of a 5-year-old."

"Yeah, I know."

He sits back on the bed. "You know I knew you kissed him the day you did."

"W-what? How?"

"I have cameras in every room, I saw it." A smirk forms on his face.

Oh shit, what else might've he seen? I treated this house like it was my own home. Does this mean that everything Theo and I have done is caught on tape? So can Adam and Matt see it too? Oh, fuck no.

"Your face." Theo begins to laugh hysterically. "Sor-sorry, I'm lying. There are only cameras outside the house."

"So how did you know?"

Theo still smiling replies. "I could see you both in the window."

"Oh." Shit.

"Savannah, I'm fine with it."

"But why?"

"I didn't really treat you like a queen did I? I pushed you away deliberately, I wanted you to stay away from me and if that meant involving yourself with another man then that was fine."

"Why would you want me with someone else? Don't you like me?"

"I like you way too much, that was the problem. I couldn't control my feelings. So I tried to avoid you as much as I could, I failed many times but I distracted myself with jobs."

"Why was it a problem?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because of Carlo."

"But you spoke to me about your past before and how you were trying to push me away, you did it again."

Theo takes a while to think about it. "Yeah I know, I thought sleeping with a girl would help then but this time I just tried to back off without hurting you or doing something to you." It all makes sense now. It finally makes sense. "But every time I pushed you away it was sort of killing me that's why I kept, in a way, 'running back to you'. I shouldn't have done that, I should've pushed you away and stayed away."

I don't want that to happen. "What about now? Do you still want to push me away?"

"Now that you know about Carlo and my entire life then no definitely not." He shakes his head. "You're stuck with me now, I'm not letting you go."

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