29. Gossip Day

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Savannah's POV

It's Saturday which means that Rosanna is finally going to come to my house for a catch-up and the guys will be going to the party.

It's currently 1:00 pm and Rosanna is going to walk through that door any minute now...

"Hey gorge." She puts her bag down at my door. When this girl states a time she'll be coming at, she will that exact time. "So what have I missed out on?"

We both head into my room and that's where I begin to tell her the whole Callum situation.

Her eyes widen in shock. "Woah woah... hold up. You're telling me that Callum Pearce nearly raped you?"

"Yeah, weren't you listening? Anyways then after that-"

She's midway from putting a few crispy M&M's in her mouth. You really thought we could have a catch up without food? Never. We can buy enough food for an average human being to finish in a year and we'll finish it in a day.

"Savannah why aren't you shaken up by any of this?" Her voice sounds almost as if she's disturbed.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "Theo basically asked the same thing too."

"Anyone would... This is a big deal, even though it didn't actually happen there was a chance where it could've."

"Yeah, I know." I try to brush the topic off and put a bunch of M&M's in my mouth.

"Think of it this way. Do you remember when Callum nearly hit you because of not replying to his messages, he went crazy over something so small and you had a panic attack?" The memory comes back to me in an instant, leaving me to do nothing but nod. "I'm sorry for bringing it up but rape and assault are both form of abuse. You can't really compare which is worse than the other but they're both so serious... You just need to realise it."

It's like Rosanna finally knocked some sense into my thick idiotic head. "Oh my god... I'm such a bad person. I gave Theo a hard time over it."

"Callum deserved what Theo did to him, I think he deserves more personally. He should literally be in jail, he makes me sick." 

"You're right, ugh how could I be so stupid."

Rosanna hugs me. "It just took longer to sink in that's all."

"Thanks Rosanna... For all of this."

She pulls away with a small smile. "You don't need to thank me... Now tell me what else has happened."

After finishing the packet of M&M's and starting on the rainbow nerds. I tell her how me and Theo have progressed and that now we've been drifting apart. I especially give her extra details of what happened yesterday.

"I mean you can tell he still likes you."

"How? Please tell me because I don't have a clue."

"Well, he clearly doesn't want you to go to the party for obvious reasons."

"Yeah that he'll want to be all over me, so how does that mean he likes me? He doesn't want me there."

"Not that dummy... He obviously thinks other guys are going to be all over you and he can't bear it."

"Yeah but then he can just stay with me and show them he's mine."

She grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me way too quickly. "Not in front of Adam!!" Whilst doing so, the packet of nerds fall off the bed allowing them to scatter all over the floor.

"Noooo the nerds!!!" I look at her in horror.

"Savannah we're going to die of starvation now well done." 

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