10. Surprises

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Savannah's POV

Theo can cook! What can't this guy do? I've been trying to stay away from him but I realised that you can't really avoid someone when you're going to be sat on the same table as them later on so I've let my guard down a bit.

I know this meal means a lot to Theo as he gets to bond with his family members that he has only seen since they were 5 or something like that. I think it's cute how he's stressing to make everything perfect.

There's a ring at the door. I'm so excited to meet his cousins. He's letting us be a part of such a precious moment in his life and I seriously respect him for that.

In walk 3 faces, one of who is Callum. There are alarm bells going off in my head. I was totally not expecting this. It's going to be so awkward.

Callum's brows knit together as he's trying to figure out why I'm here. "So these are my housemates. Matt, Adam and Savannah." Theo extends a hand towards us. This time Callum's eyebrows raise, he's going to get the wrong impression. A 17 year old girl living with three 21 year old guys. Doesn't sound bad at all, does it? I hope you recognise my sarcasm.

After an hour of everyone catching up, I barely say a word. I don't want the attention at all on me and I didn't look at Callum once or anyone for that matter. I was still stuck deep in my own thoughts. "Savannah, come with me to lay the table." Who's said my name? I look up to the direction of the sound and I see Theo with pleading eyes like he's trying to send me a signal. I get up and head into the kitchen. I think he knows Callum is that I was speaking about.

He positions me so I'm facing him. "What's up? What's happened?" Ugh, why does he care? I'm sick of Theo trying to always get involved whenever I look bothered. He's overprotective but I hardly even know him. 

I guess this shows that Theo doesn't know it's that Callum, which I'm actually relieved about, less drama for me. "Nothing, just tired."

Callum walks in a few minutes later. "Hey, that guy Adam was wondering how long you're going to take?"

Theo immediately gets some plates out of the cupboard and walks off. "I'll take these." No, don't go. I don't want to be left alone with Callum. I can't stand the awkwardness.

Callum laughs. "Hey. Didn't know you were my cousins housemate."

I give a forced laugh back. "Yeah we aren't actually housemates, I'm just living with them for 2 weeks because my parents are on holiday. Adam is my brother."

He slowly walks up to me whilst running his hand through his soft hair. "Why don't you ever reply to me?"

"Oh...umm... I don't go on my phone much."

"But you've had it in your hand all day and you haven't even tried to open my messages."

I look down at my phone and unlock it like I don't already know that he has left me 5 messages today still waiting to be read. "Oh, well I just wasn't paying attention."

He slaps my ass making me jump slightly. "Is this getting your attention now?" I blush bright pink and nod my head. Callum smirks in satisfaction. "Yeah, I thought so." I need to get away. I dart towards the door and Theo walks in. This is so humiliating. I point my head down avoiding eye contact and carry on.

Theo holds my wrist when I'm about to walk past him. "I'm sitting next to you so make sure there's a seat free." I walk off not being able to bare how discomforted I am. Why is this day full of surprises? Theo wants to sit next to me? How hasn't he caught on that Callum is that guy? I need to stop myself from asking too many questions.

For the full afternoon, Theo kept placing slight touches on my skin which did actually help me feel comforted and relaxed. If Adam knew, he would kill us both. It does upset me that I could make Adam so furious and heartbroken, he has been through enough already.

I put my dishes on the kitchen counter and Callum does the same shortly after me. "Can we talk upstairs in private?" He probably wants to relieve the awkwardness.

"Sure, come on we'll go to my room." We both walk up to my room.

I sit on my bed and he does too. "Will you start replying to me this time?"

I sigh on the inside of course that's all he cares about, I want this moment over with now. I nod my head to stop him from talking to me further. "Okay yes, I'll make sure I do."

"Good girl." We both stand up to step towards the door to go out of my room. But he places a hand on my shoulder and stops me in my tracks. "Will you ever send anything?" Ugh.

I roll my eyes then turn to face him. "One day, when I'm not shy enough."

He holds me by my ass and pushes me closer to him. The touch makes me feel disturbed. "Make me cum tonight and send." 

He's disgusting. "Erm, no sorry." I try to push myself back but Callum pushes me against the door, this time with force. Ow, that actually hurt.

He locks the door. "In person is better anyway." 

I try to make myself clear, he really needs to get the point. "No Callum, the reason why I didn't send in the first place is because I don't want to show you anything, that includes in person."

He leans in and starts to kiss me on my neck whilst groping my bum. His voice is low and deep as he whispers. "Come on, I'll fuck you hard and good." This is going too far, I try to move away but his grip is too strong.

Somebody tries to turn the handle of the door, making Callum jerk away from me. Thank God, whoever it is. Theo's voice is concerned. "Savannah, are you in there?"

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Yeah."

"Open the door I want to come in." Callum stares at me wide-eyed and runs into the bathroom. I feel free now. I unlock the door, open it and allow Theo to walk in. He dashes into the room, looks around then finally turns towards me.

His gentle hands find his way to my waist and pulls me closer to him. This feels much better than what Callum was doing. His voice is clear and passionate. "Baby girl, I've missed you." This is the first time Theo has ever called me that.

He digs his head into my neck, barely brushing his lips against it, giving me goosebumps. "You smell so good, I'm so glad you're mine now." I'm his? This must mean he likes me and the kiss we had yesterday means we're together, right?

Then he leans in with delicate kisses, teasing me one after the other. He licks my lip and the unfamiliar touch makes me want more. Then he opens his mouth wider and sides his tongue into my mouth. The smooth sensation makes me forget everything that has been bothering me. I want him. I want more. I run my fingers through his hair and pull his face closer, if it could even go closer. A groan escapes from Theo's lips, I need to hear more. I feel his lips curl up slightly, I think he realises that I want him this badly and it's amusing him. He deepens the kiss, forcing more air into my lungs making me breathless. The captivating technique forces me to moan. I can't help myself, he's irresistible and he wants me.

He pulls away but I want more. I need to breathe, but I want him too. I don't want to let go. My lips are burning and tingling, I touch them realising that they feel bigger. How did he do that with a kiss?

Theo delicately holds my hand, making me feel content. "Thanks for that babe. I'll treat you later when the guests go, just how I always do. Come on let's go downstairs." Is he talking about the kiss we had last night? I don't question him, mainly because I still need to catch some air.

We both walk downstairs making sure to break away our hands just before we see the others, so we don't give anything away. Callum walks down a few minutes later. Shit! I totally forgot about him. He would've seen everything.

Shit, shit, shit.

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