Chapter 49: A Woman's Work

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Onika Maraj.

The door opened then slammed twice, continuing the dragged out commotion from the car ride. I sat on the stairs, observing them pick each other apart by words.


"I cannot believe you! Since when do the deacon who house whores waves a white flag? Hm?" She raged.

"Oh come on! I am still a God-fearing man Yolanda."

"G-God fearing? Oh don't make me laugh."

"Yes darling." He deadpanned. "A God-fearing, honorable man that still housed AND clothed you despite you spreading your wetness around town. Filthy bitch–"

"You will not speak to me this way!"

"You do not walk away from me!" Robert shouted.

Their eyes locked fastly, showing a sense of certainty and then the elderly couple parted away from each other. She dashed to the console table for a glass of vodka.

No amount of singing, praising, worshipping, could keep down the thirst of her poison. Tonight was liquor. Maybe just maybe she'll stay just on that for the week.

"All I'm saying is that we should weigh out all of our options first."

"She's only fifteen." She said breathlessly.

"I know."

"She's just a baby herself."

"I know."

"What can she possibly know about raising a child Robert? Hm? Answer that!"

"I don't know! But we sure know this wouldn't be happening if you didn't allow the scumbag in our home."

"Wow you so quick to side with her without even hearing what's all been laid out in front of us. I bet you didn't even talk to him to get to the bottom of everything did you? Weak."

"Pardon me?"

"I-I mean just because someone screams rape doesn't mean a crime has actually been committed."

"There were blood clots on her sheets!" He roared.

"O here we go!" She whinged and waved one hand at him with a glass occupying the other. "Please shut up with these fabricated stories."

"I will not. You can sit and drink your life away, hoping to throw out the memory of our daughter unconscious body but I will not Yolanda. You invited the damn bastard in our home and he almost killed her. You're the one to blame and if you weren't so much of an alcoholic whore you would see–"

"An alcoholic? I sure didn't drink this liquor by myself!"

"Yeah right."

"You are a son of a bitch and it's been that way for years so you can spare me this holier-than-thou bullshit!" She retorted. "A-And since you are on this 'fight the power' rant w-what about that little boy next door who she's sniffing behind? Hm? He could be the pappy."

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