Chapter 65: Take The Blame

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I jolted awake, disoriented, as the sudden knocking reverberating through the silence of the hall. My heart raced, caught between the dregs of a fading dream and the harsh reality of the disruption.

The pitch blackness surrounding me felt more solid heightened by disturbance. I raised up, rubbing my eyes, drifting unsteadily from sleep.

I grabbed my gun underneath the cushion and start to approach the entryway. Every subsequent thump intensified the adrenaline coursing within.

My hand twisted the knob and I slid the gun behind my back. Once the door cracked open, relief shot through while I glared at the dude before me.

"What's up." I scowled.

"I– I– is she home?" Robert stammered.

"Huh? You got some nerve showing up here n—"

"It's important. Please."

The ice cold gaze of mine unraveled when the smell of disturbance oozed out of him. Something shifted within me. I gritted my teeth.

A slight sense of empathy washed over like a titanic wave, melting away the hardened edges of my hard countenance, sighing heavily.

"She's asleep."

"Right ... Maybe I can talk to you then."

"Listen man—"

"It'll only be for a minute. Please." He pleaded.

I tilted my head slightly, fetching a subtle agreement and moved aside to let him in. My gun kept in hand as we traveled to one of the patio outdoors.

"I would offer you something to drank but your presence is not welcoming." I commented.

"It's fine. I don't drink." Robert responded.

"Mmph. That's too bad, savor your spit then."

He chuckled. "This is a nice spot, great playing field the view is .. wow. Just wow. Hey, I bet mortgage is worth such a fortune."

"I don't pay mortgage." I said sternly. "I bought this house on signing day. Its paid off just like those two cars in the driveway."

We stood on the spacious patio silhouetted against the distance horizon. I leaned on the wooden post, not bothering to look his way.

His unseen gaze fixed upon me, coercing some sort of awareness to settle in. I kept observing the huge scenic view, tucking in my gun.

"God just keep blessing those flea dogs huh."

"You know—"

"What bring you by?" I questioned while turning my head in his direction.

Robert's expression freezes momentarily, caught off guard by the cold response. His eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and hurt shown.

"It's not a crime for a man to visit his daughter."

"Yeah a daughter you threatened to abandon after she refused to leave me alone. I was the bad seed, right? that was bringing her down right?"

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