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"Come on, come on, pick up!"

This was supposed to be our night and she just had to let her insecurities and mistakes cloud her judgment once again.

I was at my last end, tired of being put on a back burner especially for lousy people who careless about her well beings or safety and a hustle that was nothing more than dead weight.

I had cooked and prepared for a lovely evening that SHE INSISTED we have after numerous of her promises were broken and left me hanging on more than one occasion.

I was kind. patient. loving. Yet it seems as if my love was unwanted and very unappreciated.

"Beyonce-" I seethed, reaching her voicemail once again. "You got me soo fucked up! It's three in the morning and you have yet to come home and .. I-I'm tired. If this about the fight last night t-then baby, we can fix it. I love you okay? Call me back."

I was scared. worried. alone. The good in me has always outweighed the bad and as much I wanted to curse up a storm or go upside her head, my heart was yearning for her presence, hoping and praying that she just simply lost track of time and not laid up with a bitch or dead somewhere.

My mind was all over the place.

"To hell with it." I grumbled and stood up, instantly feeling a sharp through my abdomen and couldn't help but to wince in pain.

I slowly walked towards the kitchen, rubbing my growing belly, and began looking for something to ease my mind.

There were at least four liquor cabinets at my disposal and I didn't give much thought when choosing the bottle or brand.

I grabbed a bottle of Stella Rose and poured myself a glass. The doctors might've advised me not to drink but I needed a stress reliever.

I planned to have one cup but the more my mind dwells on the past including our big fights, break-ups and cheating allegations gave me more than enough courage to finish the whole bottle. I couldn't even stand on all ten toes without struggling to keep my eyes afloat.

"So fucking stupid!" I chanted over and over again, banging my fists against the table. "I gave you years of my life. Years! .. and this is how you repay me on our anniversary!?"

We had fights all of the time, yesterday was our biggest one to date, but for her not to come home especially on this night was something so unbearable.

No calls. No messages. She was bunking off, perhaps somewhere with a dancer and that wasn't too far up her alley.

This was expected.

The old school saying, "reap what you sow" was slowly but surely coming to bite my ass. I straightened up my act a long time ago but my sins weren't completely forgotten or forgiven. Sunny skies and lingerie don't fulfill my wants but a peace of mind was very much needed.

Sadly Mistaken.

The hard pounds on the door were enough to startle me and lose my train of thoughts especially with liquor involved.

Drinking was definitely not for the weak. I sat there for a moment or two to weigh out my options and get myself together.

"Oh, you forgot how to work the door again." I laughed and wobbled towards the door, mumbling things underneath my breath. "You got some n-nerve but that's cool, come get all of your shit and go back that nasty bitch you been fucking!"

The person I was so madly in love with has screwed me over for the last time therefore a simple talk and gifts wasn't going to cut it this time around.

"What's your fucking excuse this time Beyonce, huh? I'm so fucking tired of your trifling-" I opened the door and her body fell into my arms.

I lost my balance and we both dropped to the ground, the smell of blood filled my nostrils.

She rolled off of me, breathing heavily, her clothes were almost ripped to shreds, gashed in several places and at least suffering from two gunshot wounds.

There was blood. So much blood. Enough to turn my white dress into red wine.

"B-Baby .." I whimpered and quickly pulled half of her body into my arms. "Oh my god! Baby what happened to you- baby?! Help! Help!"

"I-I finally did it baby ..." She groaned in pain, tears wetted her face.

"Stay with me. P-please stay with me." I sobbed, rubbing her face while her breathing turned into shallow gasps.

Surely, we were at odds but the process of her dying was something more cruel than anything I'd ever imagined.

She blinks once. twice. "I'm so-sorry .."

"No! No! I'm going to get y-you help!" I panted and rushed to the kitchen, searching all around the place until my hands landed on the phone.

"Okay! Okay! Hello-"

"Hang up the phone."

My body shook and turned cold when I heard his cunning voice and felt the barrel of the gun on the back of my head.

He stepped closer to me and instructed me to turn around. The fear sat on me like a pillow over my mouth and nose.

He gave a mirthless laugh. "Did you miss me?"

"You don't have to-"



Okay! Okay! We're back at it again with another story and far more unforeseen, fierce approach! 😟😬

This isn't no shape or form an ordinary love story so prepare for trouble. (make it double 😉🙃) Don't hesitate to dropoff comments. Feedback is very much appreciated. 💙❤

Please be informed that this story is g!p and will contain sexual and many dark features.

Disclaimer: This story is fictional and strictly for entertainment purposes only. We do not own the rights to any pictures, names/persons mentioned in this story. Enjoy 🎀 - JB


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