Chapter 7

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Today was everyone at nevermore academy was hoping will be changed or changed but it had come family day, and everyone was required to be on they're best behavior due to all the noble and royal families coming to see there kids today. Brianna was waiting for the royal aircraft of solaria to arrive she was starting to think they were not going to show up when royal aircraft of her home planet showed up, but it was not alone some other aircrafts had landed as well.

Brianna " hello everyone and welcome to nevermore academy, and welcome back father and uncles"

Stella " hello sweetie"

Brianna " come along everyone there event being held inside the school gates and it will good, for you guys to see what nevermore made of in person"

Sophie " we will meet your headmistress"

Brianna " she might show up I don't know yet"

Stella " your grandparents had decided to come as well"

Luna " there my beautiful granddaughter"

Brianna " grandmother Luna"

Radius " granddaughter"

Brianna " grandfather radius hello" Radius looked away from Brianna she was not his favorite grandchild and she knew it very well.

Brianna " well come on everyone we can't waste the whole day out here" everyone followed Brianna as she gave them a tour of her school. Showing them everything that was allowed to be shown in the school to the guests who were visiting the school.

Brooke " wait what down that hall over there"

Brianna " it off limits for the guests"

Brooke " oh okay but what down there"

Bloom " Brooke I thought we raised you better to leave things alone"

Brianna " it okay aunt bloom those room down there the archive rooms, and the header room"

Stella " healer room why do you need that"

Brianna " sometimes magic get unstoppable and unstable here and the healer here help us"

Brooke " oh okay"

Brianna " I will show you more of the school before the whole picnic starts"

Tina " sweet" Brianna had show more of the school and had joined her family for the picnic lunch it seemed, like most of the kids were trying to strike conversation with their families.

Maddie " wow you seem to be miss popular"

Brianna " why do they say that"

Maddie " well because everyone who has passed us has either said hey to you or waved, and some of them are cute so nay of them your boyfriend" Brandon had nearly choked on his food thinking of his youngest daughter dating, she wouldn't keep something like this from them right.

Brianna " no I'm not dating anyone at the moment but there are some, guys that have caught my eye"

Addison " who tell us"

Brianna " well .... "

Ashia " girls leave Brianna alone she doesn't have to tell us anything"

Girls " yes ma'am" Brianna was taking with her aunts, mother, and everyone else that she didn't notice her father and uncles had walked away.

Faye " hey bria who everything going"

Brianna " good and you"

Faye " peachy got back from meeting my family ... it was good"

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