Chapter 9

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Once again classes were back into session after the whole day after off the mess up no family day, and everyone was happy to be back in class. It was easy to see that the headmistress was going to make sure future visit only has taken place in the city a three miles away from the school, because she wouldn't have these families back on her campus. Brianna was in her fairy magic class working on defensive magic this was one of her best classes, she would help out her peers who were struggling in the class as well.

Professor Selma " good job everyone you are all getting better over the time"

Brianna " excuse me ma'am but what are with the new dummies they look different from the rest"

Professor Selma " glad you asked Brianna these dummies are different from the rest these ones, will fight back and trying to hold you all down and trapped your magic ... but it will be up to you to help defend yourself using your magic"

Everyone " ......"

Professor Selma " who wants to go first come on it will be fun" everyone was looking at each other it seem like no one was ready to give it a try.

Brianna " I will professor trail and error" Brianna got up from her seat and walked away and soon step onto the platform , everyone had all their eyes on her.

Professor Selma " okay activation now" soon the dummies eyes had glowed red and soon they all started acting Brianna from ever point. Soon the rest of class was behind a shield the the professor had made for safety as everyone was getting ready to see, what Brianna was going to do.

Brianna " solar beam" Brianna was still getting attacked and soon the dummies were trying to hold her down, as she was trying to free herself from their grip.

Brianna " let go of me ... solar and moon blast" Brianna had used a magic ability that she hadn't used before sending the dummies falling back, while some of them were destroyed. That blast she had made caused a lot of dust into the room where the class was happening and Brianna could see the class anymore, she soon open her eyes and see everyone was in some force bubbles made with Brianna magic.

Brianna " ads you all okay"

Student 1 " that was amazing you were able to sync all your magic together"

Student 2 " that was so cool Brianna"

Student 3 " you were even able to destroyed some of these dummies"

Professor Selma " you are very powerful Brianna even when you were fighting, you even made bubbles around others protecting your class"

Brianna " thank you ma'am"

Brianna " sorry about the dummies miss"

Professor selma " it okay they repair themselves anyway so who wants to go next any takes"

Students  "me" everyone got their turn to show their new magical skills and everything was showing that they were able to fight off some of the dummies, while other were have a hard time dealing with the dummies. Soon class was dismissed and Brianna was on her way back to the dorm when she ran into faye and the guys who seemed to be done with their classes for the day, she made her way over to them.

Faye " hey what to go on shopping trip in the city the rest of the day is off for everyone"

Brianna " I have been hoping to get some new clothes"

Faye " then let go"

Erza " so we over heard you destroyed those dummies very well"

Brianna " it surprised me as well that magic surge came out of now where, and I never knew I could go magic like that before until now"

Noah " well coming from your Information there is more magic that you and many of us haven't discovered full yet"

Daniel " what do you mean Noah"

Noah " well there are some magic abilities that we haven't even reached yet, and are for other like us to reach as well"

Mason " so Im hearing we might be able to reach that level of magic soon or later"

Noah " I don't know it up to luck and chance to see what will happen"

Roman " well until then lets enjoy our lives"

Jack " deal now come on ladies there is game being sold that us guys have been trying to get"

Faye " why the first time you boys are rushing us to go shopping shocker"

Brianna " maybe there are something called miracles" the girls soon ran after the guys trying to caught up with them, as the guys ran off trying to get to the store as the girls were trying to caught up to them. Noah was not wrong everyone at the school powers were becoming powerful and they weee soon going to overcome the own adults they know very well.

Headmistress office

Headmistress " see I told you the time was coming soon"

???? " yes you are right soon enough we will have what we want and poor winx will be to late"

Headmistress " you can't always trust a friendly face those stupid fairies will learn the hard way, and soon I will have my revenge on the company of the light"

??? " yes when you get your revenge on those old hags we will go after those stupid winx and specialist"

Headmistress " what about three witches what do we do with them"

???? " those girls will come around soon for the sake of a child, and for revenge as well ... the wizard of black circle will be join us soon once they get all their old members back"

Headmistress " revenge will be so sweet all the magical dimensions will be bowing down to us, once we have these kids and all the magical books and artifacts we need" the headmistress soon looked at the two male villains who soon step out of the shadows and smirk at her. After years of waiting and planning they were almost there for their revenge and they were going to get their payback.

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