03 | you didn't really come for the tea

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I HATE TO ADMIT that I can't remember the last time I laughed this much. Especially when the person who is making me chuckle like a hyena is a man and we're on a 'not a date' date.

JJ is charming. There is no doubt about that.

He easily made me feel comfortable. He listened to what I had to say. Asked genuine questions. Considering both of us have had shitty evenings, somehow it went from being the most horrific night of my life to one that I wouldn't look back on as a total disaster.

I wouldn't tell that to JJ though. Those thoughts can stay inside my head, for myself only.

We went through more cocktails and a couple more shots. My mind swayed a little but I wasn't anywhere near as drunk as I thought I would be. One drink turned into multiple drinks and before we know it, the bar is closing up for the night.

JJ sneakily pays for the bill when I'm not looking and I scowl at him across the table. He just smiles back at me in response. Instead of fighting I thank him and we make our way outside, still sneaking glances at each other like some love-sick teenagers.

If I was sober this situation would make me vomit but as every second of our date passed, I found myself relaxing to the point of flirting. It's a lot easier than I remembered, or maybe because I never actually fancied who I was flirting with.

But JJ feels different. I know he's totally out of my league and that is what makes my heart pound inside my chest.

We make it outside, hobbling on my heel because the last thing I need is to fall ass over tit in front of him. Not after how well the date actually went. Even I surprised myself.

JJ holds the door open for me and I smile at him on the way past, our eyes locking and we stare for a moment too long. My ankle twists and suddenly I'm falling back on my broken heel, a yelp escapes my throat but before I can fall, JJ wraps an arm around my waist and hoists me into his warm, hard chest.

I am instantly flustered. His body is slightly hunched over mine but he doesn't release me, we keep close. Our faces are merely inches apart, his eyes flick from mine to my lips and back again.

There goes my heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. Then it skips a beat altogether.

Heat floods my face and I thank the God's that it's night time so it wouldn't be as obvious in natural daylight. I swallow and stare back into those blue ocean eyes, they're telling me a story right now but I have no idea if it's my alcohol consumed mind that is tricking me.

I can feel his gentle breath against my lips, then a thud of a heartbeat. Is that mine or his?

He leans closer, the tip of his nose grazing mine and I draw in a sudden breath. I am practically on fire at this point. Goddamn those sambuca shots along with the throbbing between my legs.

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