16 | bitter sweet

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J J  W O O D F O R D

I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I ACTUALLY went through with asking Daisy on a date.

My conversation with Ivy yesterday irked me beyond belief. She's going out with Isaac. The guy who has been crushing on her since school, the guy who had a massive glow up and now he could give any man a run for his money. Including mine.

So to distract myself from the fact I can't be the one asking Ivy out, I asked her best friend instead and fuck me–do I regret it already.

The look on Ivy's face when I told her I was going on a date with Daisy wasn't the reaction I wanted. She seemed kind of... happy for me?

I curse myself in my mind because I hate that I cannot let this go. Not for a single second.

Daisy's hand creeps along the open cafe table as we sit outside on the beachfront, her fingers gingerly brush mine with those long talons she calls fingernails. They're painted a rich Barbie pink and are pointy at the ends. I don't usually care about girls and whether or not they have their nails done but for some reason I despise this set.

"I'm so happy you asked me out," she props her head onto a fist and flutters those long, dark eyelashes at me.

I nod in response and flash her a smile. God, I fucking hate myself for what I've done.

"It's been a while since I last saw you," I clear my throat. "Thought you might have wanted to go out."

Daisy's lips stretch into a wide smile. "Of course I do. Did I not make it clear enough how much I wanted to go out with you?"

Yeah, you did. Almost too much.

"I guess," I nod and glance down at my drink.

"So," she grips my fingers with those claws and draws my attention back to her. "I heard back from a job that I applied for."


Daisy nods, dark curls slipping past her narrow shoulder. "Said that my interview was good and they want me to come in to do a group interview, see how well I mix with other people."

"Which one was this for?"

"It's for a marketing company that works with specialised sports."

My eyebrows raise. "That's cool." I admit.

Her dark eyes glimmer in my direction, she roams them across my face and exhales a long sigh. "I can't believe I'm here with you."

Oh God. I'm cringing so badly. So fucking badly.

"So tell me about your university degree," I change the subject. I don't actually care that much but I need her to talk about something else before she brings those googly eyes back.

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