29 | come for me, princess

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I'm relieved when Finn says that there will be an early afternoon get together at the beach. I need a distraction from this morning otherwise because I can't stop thinking about the way I heard JJ's sweet whispers in my ear. It was just a dream. Just a dream. I remind myself.

Daisy said she'd meet me there, no doubt all of Finn's friends will also be there.

But I know I need to stay well away from JJ for my own sanity. Not after he saw me pour orange juice all over my hand whilst eating him up with my eyes. I'll never get over how mortifying that was. JJ probably loved every second of it.

When I get to the beach, the sun is shining and people are drinking. I spot Daisy standing with Harriet and Isaac. I greet them all and feel Isaac's eyes on me. He tugs me to his side when he gets a moment.

"Hey," he smiles, those brown eyes glittering.

"Hey," I beam back at him. "Haven't seen you in a little while."

Isaac nods. "I know, I'm kind of bummed about it. How have you been?"

"Mmm, yeah fine. Just relaxing before the dreaded thought of going back to University. What about you?" I ask.

"Same," he sighs and shoves a hand through his hair. "My sister is getting married this weekend, so that's something to look forward to."

My eyes light up at his words. "Oh that's amazing, tell her I said congratulations."

Isaac's lips curve into a smile. "I will."

I feel a hand wrap around my wrist as I glance over my shoulder to find Daisy. "They're gonna play football." She says with excited eyes.


"The boys."

My eyes flick past her long brown locks to find Finn, JJ, Joe and Cal, amongst their other friends. She tugs my wrist and we sit on the empty logs of wood facing where they're about to kick off with a bunch of other people.

I watch as Daisy leans forward to grab a bottle of beer before cracking the lid open. "You want one?"

"You know I don't like that shit," I grimace.

How anyone can enjoy beer is beyond me, it tastes like battery acid. No one could pay me to drink that shit, even for a million. My stomach would heave before it even reached my lips.

Harriet sits down beside me, Isaac on the other end.

"I hope they take their tops off," Daisy leans over to whisper in my ear.

I snort. "That's my brother you're talking about."

She turns to me with those big green eyes. "He's not the only one playing. And besides, it wouldn't be too disheartening if JJ took his off, I know you want a bit of that eye candy."

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