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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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I V Y  T H O M P S O N

THE NEXT MORNING I get up bright and early, with the sun seeping through my blinds, there is no chance I can get a lay in. Especially with the heatwave that's meant to be coming in the next few days and lasting for a week or so.

Perfect beach weather.

I get myself showered, dressed and head downstairs to grab some breakfast. Praying that I don't bump into JJ or Finn, I really don't need their company right now. Finding out that JJ will be staying for the summer is bad as it is, but knowing I could see him almost everyday? I need to get out of the house as much as I can.

When my toast pops up, I bite down with my teeth and reach for my phone. My fingers fly across the screen as I find Daisy's number and hit call. I need her now. I need to vent. I need someone to tell me this is some sick dream because I didn't just sleep with my brother's best friend.

"Ugh, Ivy," she grunts as she picks up. "It's so bloody early."

"I need you right now," I say between chewing my toast. "Please. I'm having a fucking crisis."

Daisy exhales a sigh. "Fine. Meet me along the beach by the huts in twenty?"

I nod and slam the door shut behind me. "Sounds good. Bring Rufus please. I'm going to need the fluffy support system right now."

A soft laugh echoes through the receiver. "Okay, okay. He's coming. Let me get ready and I'll be right down."

"Thank you," I say before cutting the call off.

The sun has just about risen over the horizon. Not a cloud in the sky but it projects the most beautiful shades of orange and pink. Sunrise is my favourite. Everyone creams over sunsets but when the sun rises, it's so underrated.

It's the start of a brand new day, you get to see the morning creep in. The silence of the world. The odd bird that chirps and the crisp air that reminds me that I'm at home, that I'm at home with my brother, my friends and I am safe here.

I can't believe I forced myself into thinking that this place will be haunted forever. But now I'm home, nothing could change my mind ever again. No matter what Ben did to make me hate this place.

It'll always have such a special place in my heart that I want to lock it away forever.

I make it to the beach, already hearing the waves gently crashing into the shore. My eyes close for a second. Peace. So much peace. It warms my heart back up. I didn't realise until now how cold it's been.

I'm not a city girl. I'm definitely a beach town girl and no one can take that away from me.

As soon as my shoes touch the grainy sand, it's a lot lighter than how I remember but it's still beautiful. Every inch of this beach is shining in its own glory.

Worth The RiskNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ