40 | tears & secrets

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"You had sex in someone else's beach hut?!" Daisy exclaims.

I run my hands down my face, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "A couple times... yeah."

"A couple?" She gasps. "Holy shit, I can't believe it. You... multiple times?"

A small hesitant laugh escapes me. "He's good, I've got to give it to him."

Daisy flashes me a grin. "You are so in deep with him. What happened after the fair? I'm glad we didn't go to that party. It looked like a shit show."

I hum in agreement. "Finn was wasted as usual," my eyes roll. "He literally slept all day, God knows how much he drank."

"He's got a problem," she chews on the inside of her lip.

"We all know it," I nod. "But I'm not sure if he does. I know we need to help him but his friends need to help too. I don't want to have an intervention but we might need to. I don't want to see him destroy himself."

Daisy lays back against her bed. "Yeah, maybe you need to get together and see how you can help without making him feel intimidated or patronised. It'll be tough but you all care about him, it'll come from a good place."

I find myself nodding slowly. "Yeah, I hope so."

"So what happened with JJ?"

"He apologised for everything. He shouldn't have acted like that but he said he wanted to protect me. I kept saying that's not how I'll be protected. He said he'll do better next time. Then he took me to the beach, he created a little film because he's into that sort of stuff and then we ended up having sex in the beach hut." I explain before collapsing onto my side.

Daisy laughs. "My, my. What have you done with my innocent little, Ivy?"

I snort. "She left the chat long ago apparently."

She stares at me for a long moment. "When are you going to tell Finn?"

"Not yet," I shake my head.

With his drinking habits recently, I know this information will not sit well with him. It wouldn't before but an intoxicated mind? It'll be an absolute disaster. As much as I don't want to wait, we need to. I don't want to make him any worse than he already is.

"Mmmm," she mumbles. "Right, let's go grab some lunch or something. I'm starving."

My lips curl. I could definitely do with some energy right about now. I woke up feeling exhausted after yesterday and the soreness between my legs was still evident. But totally worth it.

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When I get home later that afternoon I perch in the kitchen for a moment, I glance out the patio doors and smile at the sun shining. We truly have had a wonderful summer and I'm grateful for the weather.

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