17 | you're a bully

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THE TIME I SPENT WITH ISAAC TODAY was good, fun. I wouldn't even call it a date because it wasn't. It was just two friends meeting up and catching up on old times. He makes me remember the good memories before all the bad ones started sweeping in.

I forgot how awkwardly funny he is.

And don't get me started on that deliciously overpriced ice cream.

Then when I got home, JJ was in a mood which for some reason threw me off because he's usually got that dazzling personality on show. But today... I don't even know what that today was.

I don't want you in my business.

My gut knots together. I didn't say anything rude to him. He might be going through family shit and he doesn't want to tell anyone. I pray that everything is okay because I remember seeing him try to mask his sadness on our first date.

Later that night I slip into bed and try my hardest not to think of JJ but it's impossible because for some stupid reason, I care. My phone buzzes on my nightstand and I glance over to find a message from Isaac, seeing his name pop up makes me smile.


Hey, I had a really good time today. I'm so glad you're back home and we can finally catch up. We should definitely do something again soon.


Hey, me too! I had fun. Thanks again for the ice cream. And for sure! I'll probably see you soon, there's a party this weekend no doubt


See you there:)

I lock my phone and roll under my covers, my eyes flutter shut and I sink into a dreamless night for the first time in a while.

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When I wake up the next morning I take a quick shower and slide into my underwear, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and for once I can't drag my eyes away. The redness of my scar is darker than usual from the heat of the shower but I find myself sinking into my heels.

It's not just one scar but multiple over my body that are less noticeable.

My lips slant to the side as I analyse my body, grazing my fingers across my skin.

I sigh heavily and my eyes droop at the sight. I haven't felt myself in a long time, no matter how hard I try to mask it. I haven't been the same in years and that makes me feel crap on most days. But I smile through it because it's the only option I have left.

As I get back to my room I throw on some clothes and head downstairs to grab myself some breakfast. I didn't even have dinner last night. I walk down the stairs to find JJ in the kitchen. He hasn't noticed me yet but he's sitting on one of the stools. His hands are together in front of him and he's looking directly at the counter top.

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