14 | jealous & protective

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"SO, WE'VE GOT SIXTEEN BURGERS, six veggie burgers, fourteen sausages, chicken skewers, cheese, buns, onions, gherkins, coleslaw, potato salad." Finn lists off as he points to everything on the counter of the kitchen island. "Do you reckon that's enough?"

I turn my head to him. "To feed a football team? Yeah."

Finn rolls his eyes. "It's better to get more than to scrounge around for the scraps."

"True," I nod in agreement and cup my hands around my elbows. "When's everyone getting here?"

He snorts in my direction. "Define everyone."

"Joel, Cal. Is Ivy even coming?"

Finn's eyes gravitate to mine at the mention of his sister and he shrugs. "I don't know but do you know who is coming?" He walks towards me and wraps a large arm around my neck. "Your girlfriend."

I shove him off me with heavy force. "Shut up. She's not my girlfriend."

Daisy will never be my girlfriend.

"Why so uptight man? Honestly, that girl has it for you bad."

I didn't really even want to invite her but Finn forced me to and she should be here any given second. Finn walks outside into the garden to start the barbeque, using the gas canister to light it up and get the food cooking.

The storm that has been brewing is predicted for tonight so we decided to do something for lunch before the next few days are likely to be written off from the bad weather. I hear a knock at the door and I push myself up from the counter and stroll towards the sound.

When Daisy is standing there with two handfuls of booze, I flash her a forced smile. "Hey you," she grins and steps forward, planting a kiss on my cheek. The stickiness of her lip gloss makes my skin itch and when she's out of my view, I raise my hand to wipe it off.

"Hey," I say in response, shutting the door behind her.

She whirls around on the spot, holding the bags of drink above her head. "I brought the goods."

"Hey, Daisy," Finn shouts from outside.

"Hey!" She sets her stuff down on the empty part of the counter. "Who's ready for a drink then?"

Finn nods as he allows the barbeque to heat up, prepping the tongs and plates on the side. "Hell yeah, I'm down."

I watch Daisy as she unpacks beers and ciders, even a bottle of wine. Part of me is impressed with how she carried it in like a champ, as if it weighed absolutely nothing at all.

"What do you want?" She calls out to him.

"A beer."

She clutches it in one hand and as Finn turns she throws it to him-thank God he caught it before it smashed against the kitchen floor. "JJ?"

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