13. Party

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Please read author's note at the end



Alessa was ready and waiting for Rudransh to pick her up. Ethan and Vivaan left together, while Ara's secret date was none other than Vedant which shocked all. But Ara dismissed it saying it's just for party while others could easily guess it's something more.

Alessa was left alone with some bodyguards. As Alessa was waiting for a call from Rudra, the doorbell rang. She got confused and checked through the peephole. She saw Rudra standing outside with his hands in pockets. She checked herself in mirror one more time and opened the door.

Rudra opened his mouth to say something but his tongue got stucked on seeing Alessa.

Alessa also was shell shocked on seeing how handsome he is looking.

Rudra composed himself while entering inside and spoke

Rudra-You are looking so beautiful that I don't have words to express.

Alessa blushed furiously.
Alessa-You too are looking handsome....

Rudransh- I don't know how it'll sound but can I hug you.

Alessa was shocked but who was she to lose such an important occasion to get close to Rudra.

She moved forward and took him in a hug. Rudransh hugged her back and put his chin on her exposed neck sending shivers down her spine.

Rudransh- I never saw a beautiful girl like you.

His low voice and breath fanning her exposed skin was making her knees go jelly so she hold onto him tight.

After hugging each other to their heart  content, they both separated. Before Alessa could avert her eyes Rudransh spoke up

Rudransh- Don't avert your eyes. Let's not be awkward on hugging each other.

Rudransh said putting his hands on her cheeks looking at her. Alessa nodded at him.

Alessa- We should leave now or else we'll be late.

Rudransh- As you say princess.

Rudransh said bowing down a little making both of them giggle.

They left the apartment together. They both settled in their car while Rudransh was driving.

Rudransh- Stay with me all the time.

Alessa looked at him

Alessa- Why?

Rudransh looked at her.

Rudransh- Because you are looking way too pretty and I don't want some other man to have broken bones.

Alessa looked at him wide eyes.

Alessa- You won't do that.

Rudransh- Obviously I won't. My man would.

Alessa- Ansh.......

Rudransh chuckled and stayed silent.

Alessa- You are acting like a overprotective boyfriend.

Alessa said and covered her mouth while Rudransh acted like he didn't hear anything.

And the rest of their ride was filled with little banter.

On reaching the venue, Rudransh came out first and offered his hand to Alessa. Alessa took his hand and smiled.

Rudransh- Can I keep my hand on your waist?

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