Not An Update

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Hey all, Hope you all are doing well in your life.

I know you all are waiting for so long but I'll give an update before the end of this week.
I am just too busy with my classes and i am not getting much of time to write new chapters. I am sorry for all the wait.

Also one more thing, Please answer these questions below.

•What do you think about my writing??

•Do I need improvement? If yes, then please tell me what could i improve in.

•Is story going in right direction or it's getting too cliche?

•Is story getting boring or it still has got your interest?

•Is there any cliche scene or stuff which you don't wanna read in this book or you wanna read?

Please answer these questions and on the basis of that I'll give you new update.

Thank you,
Your dear author .

JaanWhere stories live. Discover now