30. Revenge!

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Alessa was unconscious, her feet bandaged, wound treated,laying on bed.

Alessandro (eldest brother) was sitting beside Alessa with her hand in his hand caressing her forehead when the door of thr room opened hastily.

He looked at the door and saw Rudransh standing there huffing, with hands on his knees. It looked like he literally ran here all the way. He looked at Alessandro, composed himself and nodded his head .

“Vivaan is out of danger and he is in the room next to this” Alessandro said thinking he might be here for his brother, only if he knew.

But Rudra kept standing there, his eyes not moving from Alessa. He looked at her bandaged feet , tightening his fist, deciding to show hell to all the people involved in this. He wanted to go to her and hug her , but he didn't want to ruin anything. Before he could turn back to move out of the room, he heard a little voice “Ally”

Alessa got her consciousness and the first thing she saw was her brother , which made her overwhelm with the emotions .

“Ally” she croaked out with a heavy voice gaining Alessandro's attention who was looking down at her feet. He immediately looked at her and hugged her.

Rudransh didn't want to disturb the siblings and moved out of the room without any noise.

As he was going towards Vivaan's room, he saw Clemente and Ethan coming.

He nodded at both of them and got a nod in return.

“Is she awake?” Clemente asked not expecting a positive reply.

Rudransh nodded at him making both of the brothers run towards her room without even any delay. He looked at their back and thought “Do i even deserve her” and went into Vivaan's room finding him still unconscious and Leo sitting beside him with red eyes , holding his hand.

As Clemente and Ethan entered the room, they just ran towards Alessa and hugged her . Alessa cried hard on seeing her other brothers, feeling safe and protected.

After their crying session, she looked at Ally and said “I am really sorry Ally. Viv is in this situation because of me. She attacked him because I had most security but Viv doesn't” . Alessa said looking down sobbing silently, fidgeting with her hands.

Alessandro hooked up his thumb under her chin and made her look up . “None was your fault sorellina. The only person who is at fault is that vile lady. And don't worry we already got the lead and she will be in our claws soon” . He said caressing her hair.

“And let me tell you when he says soon, it means not more than 2-3 hour” Clemente said checking her reports shaking his head all the while. “Her reports aren't good. Are you not having food properly?”

Alessandro looked at her with furrowed brows while she tried to steal eyes from him “No worries Clemente, I'll ask Clara to personally look into her diet when we go home”

Alessa's eyes went wide on listening to him making her look at Ethan instantly.

“ The whole family decided to bring you back to America” Alessandro answered her unasked question.

“But…..” she tried to argue but she had no counter question.

“Once we handle that lady……. We will be off to our home” Clemente said noticing the gloomy look on her face.

Before anyone could say anything, the door opened and Leo entered with red eyes . He looked at Alessa and gave her a small smile.

He tiredly walked towards her and hugged her tightly, slipping onto her bed. Alessa glided a little giving him enough space to lie down. She put her head on his chest and hugged him.

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