Darkness Evolution 2

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The ultra brothers went back to the Land of Light with Dark Mebius. As they got there, they has sent Dark Mebius to a Special Medical Wings Room for Dark Mebius. Examine him and try to do everything they could to bring back their normal happy go lucky Mebius.


Zoffy : Taro! Please calm down!

Taro : How can I calm down, Zoffy -nii?! Mebius is suffering in this body! This freaking dark power in him is controlling him right now!

Seven : Taro! Calm yourself! We're all frustrated!

D.Mebius : Who..you! Let me go!

Dark Mebius was being chained to his bed since he is still unstable. He would try to attack or even run from whoever tries to stop him from getting away from there.

Jack : Please,is there anything we could do to bring Mebius back?! I miss the old Mebius..

Ultraman : we still need to know the cure.. Hikari said it's still unknown.

Leo : Ugh! I can't bare with this anymore! I will find that bastards and threaten them to tell us everything!

Before Leo could got out from the room, Seven block the door for him not to go.

Seven : you.will.not.go.anywhere

Leo go back to his seat since he can't fight back Seven.

Ace : somehow,I felt like Leo is right. Why don't we go to them and ask them? Maybe they will surrender. Easy.

Everyone glare at Ace, even though his idea wasn't that bad but it's kinda dumb by knowing some dark monsters would just surrender like that.

Jack : one, it's not a bad idea. Two,how can you be so sure that the monsters will just surrender to us? Three, who the f will look after Mebius? Like, every time someone come in this room they would run away from him cause they're getting bad aura from here.

Ace : We have Hikari, right? Or even Tiga since he's also one of Mebius close friends.

Zoffy : alright,I agree with Ace. We will go and settle this matter. I will ask Hikari if he's okay.


Zoffy : Oh, come in.

Hikari walk in the room with his bag.

Ultraman : that was fast..

Hikari : my lab is near here remember? And I already knew you guys would ask me to look after him. In fact,I need to examine him a little.

Leo : well, it all settled then. Come on.

The ultra brothers went to go back to the planet to find the answers about Mebius. Hikari walk to Mebius and out his stuff near him.

Hikari : I can't believe you got possessed by dark powers..Oh how can I bring you back..

Hikari then just started to examine Mebius with all he can.

The ultra brothers arrived and landed at the same place they found Mebius. They started to walk around to find any creatures they could get but there is none of it.


Zoffy : Taro!

Ace : can I say something.

Jack : if it important then you can, if it's not I will punch you.

Ace : something is coming here,is that important?

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