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Mebius is on his way to a certain planet as he was instructed to go see an help sign from an unknown. They thought it might be by an ultra warrior or something else.

Mebius landed at the planet and walk around to find the sources of it. He then saw a destroyed spaceships and run to it.

Mebius : spaceships? Wait- it's.. look old..all of this looks abandoned and got destroyed like a really long time ago now.. is this really what give us the help sign?


Mebius : huh?! Who's that?!

??? : *Appeared on one of the rocks* so, they send Ultraman Mebius? Perfect..

Mebius : who are you?!

??? : don't need to know Ultraman Mebius.. you're a perfect fit for me to use to trap those ultra brothers..

Mebius : what do you want with them?!

??? : Kill them, of course! Now... Come here my minions and capture Ultraman Mebius!!

Mebius : w-what?!

An army of the alien minions appeared from the ground and run towards Mebius. Mebius tried to fight them but didn't have time and kept retreating, hiding behind a big rock not far from him. He knows he can't take all of those alien all by himself, he then send an ultra sign to the ultra brothers.


Taro : huh? An ultra sign from Mebius?

Guys! Please send help to planet •••••
I was ambushed by an alien and had the intention to trap you all. His minions are trying to catch me to make the bait. Please send help- AHH!

Ultraman : ambush?

Seven : Mebius is in danger. We need to save him

Zoffy : right! Let's go.

UltraBrothers : Hai!


Mebius screamed in pain as he got blasted by something and injured his arm. He tried to fight as long as he can while waiting for the others. All he did was kicking, punching and dodging them. The minions keep coming towards Mebius making it hard for him to move now. Mebius tried to run away again but was hopeless when he got blasted again from the alien.

Mebius fall to the ground, groaning in pain as his whole body hurt so much. They started to come closer to Mebius,  Mebius tried getting up but couldn't as his leg couldn't move. He knew it was hopeless already when they all already standing right Infront of him.

??? : Heh, have a good sleep, Ultraman Mebius..

. . . .

|Mebius POV |

After I got knocked out by the alien, I was I was held as a hostage or more specifically, a bait.. both my hands were tied and I was hung from one of the rocks. My feet couldn't even feel the ground, making me feel like I was floating. My whole body is in extreme pain. Don't know how long I lasted after sending Ultra Sign to my brother. I just wish they would come here..

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