Zero's past

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/REMAKE/, how about Zero's backstory would be? And for you all to know, this is just a fan made. Not confirmed or something by the Tsuburaya Production. This is how I think Zero have been through so yeah. My idea, my story.


Thousands years ago there were a happy married couples. The husband known as Ultra Seven and the wife was known as Ultrawoman Leyla. They also have a beautiful baby boy, naming Zero as their son's name.

After Zero was born, it was just a great day when suddenly the Land of Light got attack by monsters. Everyone was told to fight while for the ultra that is weak and don't know how to fight yet have to run to a safer place. Seven told his wife, Leyla to run away with Zero while he go to fight the monsters. Leyla stop him.

Leyla : No! Don't go! Please!

Seven : I need to go, dear! I need to help the others!

Leyla : you can't leave us! Zero just got into our life! What if something happens to you?!

Seven : I promise you, I will be fine! Please, go now!

Leyla : no!

Seven left Leyla and Zero. Leyla could only shed a tear because of fear.. Zero was just crying in Leyla's arms due to the chaotic situation.

. . .

Zoffy : Seven!

Seven : ARGH!

Seven was shot by the monster and fell. Because of the shot, he was trying to hold back his pain but without him realizing that a monster was approaching him. The monster wanted to fire a powerful attack towards Seven but was stopped when someone kicked it hard. A blue ultrawoman come closer to Seven to check on him.

All : ?!

Seven : ugh.. h-huh? D-Dear?!

Leyla : Honey! Are you okay?!

Seven : what are you doing here?! Wha- WHERE'S ZERO?!

Leyla : relax! I gave Zero to Mom! I can't let you fight like this!

Seven : no! It's dangerous! Go!

Leyla  : I will not go! You stay here while I go and end this!

Seven : w-wait! AGH!

Leyla left Seven as well. Seven was unable to stand due to his injuries. Ultraman went to his side and carried him to a safer place.  While they were going to a safe place, something happened near an area full of monsters. All the ultras there were shocked to see the scene in front of them.

Seven : L-Leyla?!

Leyla : I will end this quickly! I-i know this is going to went wrong but this is for everyone safety!!

Seven : Leyla! Dear! Please don't do this!

Zoffy : Leyla! Don't!

Leyla : I'm sorry..

Ultraman : Leyla! What about Zero?!

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