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"I think I'm going to ask Cho tomorrow

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"I think I'm going to ask Cho tomorrow."

"What happened next?" Hermione whispered to me at the breakfast table while I kept my troubled eyes off of Harry who sat across from us. She was heavily invested in the events of the previous night while I told her all about our... engagement in the boy's dorms. 'It's like a real life Soap Opera!' she had said.

"Nothing happened next. He changed into a clean shirt, and we both went back down to the common room. I ended up hanging out with the twins, and he disappeared." I mumbled to keep my voice quiet. "He hasn't said anything to me since. I think he's avoiding me." I dared to sneak a glance at him, but he was too busy catching up with Ron about all the things they hadn't told each other in the last few weeks to pay attention to me.

"Oh, dear..." She said, and her mouth twitched like she wanted to frown at me. I knew her well enough to know her thoughts about this weren't positive. Frankly, I didn't want to hear what she had to say because her opinion was always that I needed to get away from him. "Do you think he regrets it? What if it was just because he was drunk, and he just got caught up in the moment?" She questioned, and I looked at her out of the corner of my eyes irately.Thanks for your support, 'Mione.

"Well, if the thought wasn't already on my mind, it sure is now. You're so helpful." I snapped in her direction, and she giggled at my look of anger before she shook her head.

"Come to think of it, I don't think he would regret anything with you." She laughed more so at herself than at me while she gave me reassurance. "I'll talk to him after breakfast, and I'll try to see where his head's at." She nodded at the thought before she started stirring her tea. "Unless you don't want me to do that. If you're still on board with the original plan of finding a new guy— one that's a little more bearable." She shot a glare down the table in the direction of Cormac whose eyes were bruised and his nose was still swollen from Neville. "Then I would help you in that situation, too. I just want you to be happy at this rate." She waited for my answer and I stared at the side of Harry's face while he laughed at Dean who was a few seats down from him. Just like Fred saidtiming sucks.

"I don't think I want anyone else." I shook my head while I studied every minuscule detail of his perfect features. "But I hate the idea that I could be waiting around for him for years before he decides what he wants." I whispered anxiously. I was started to get that feeling again... just like after the World Cup. Like my emotions were haywire, and the sadness would never stop.

"Then I'll see what he says about it and I'll give him some of my insight." She confirmed before she nudged my shoulder. "Maybe it won't take years. Maybe this is finally it." She giggled in a quiet voice before she went back to her breakfast.

Harry could've probably felt my intense gaze lingering before he turned to look at me. I held my breath when I was met with his emerald eyes and I feared he wouldn't even acknowledge me since he hadn't since we left his dorm. He took a moment to study me before he shot me a playful wink and watched as I faked a gag at his efforts. It was my opportunity to flip the situation and take us back to our definition of normal. He rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips before he started his conversation with Ron again.

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