Chapter Two There are No Shortcuts

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Ke'an follows the light further into the cave; it always seems to be just far enough away to keep him from seeing the source. The warmth continues to get more intense until it feels more like a hot summer day than the dead of winter. After following the light for what felt like hours, Ke'an finally came to what looks like a wall of bright light.

He can not see what is on the other side of the light but it looks like the light itself is an absence of reality. He walks up to the wall of light and reaches out his hand cautiously. He touches the light which should be impossible but he could feel what could only be described as a pool of semisolid light. He retracts his hand back and sees ripples in the light extend out to the edges of the cave like water in a pond.

"Come..." the voice calls again.

This time the voice sounds like it is just on the other side of the wall of light. Ke'an can hear what sounds like weak breaths echo after the voice. He readies himself to fight whatever is on the other side. Hopefully it is strong enough to allow him to make the trip back home after he steals its power. Ke'an tightens his grip on his gun and machete as he steps forward. He walks into the blinding wall of light and feels it give way as it passes around him.

He opens his eyes and is surprised inside is a vast open field of flowers. Even more concerningly it is impossibly large to be underground and has no mountain or walls for as far as the eye can see. Above is a cloudless sky with a sun beaming down overhead. Ke'an turns and the entrance he used to get in is no longer there. He reaches out his hand to where the path should be and feels nothing.

"I might have messed up here... a weather witch or wraith mother can not do this..." Ke'an took in a dry gulp as he realizes he is in far over his head. "Well nothing to do now but..."

"Come..." The voice called out again.

"Yeah that." Ke'an says as he walks deeper into the field.

The place Ke'an found himself in did not seem to end. As far as he could tell there the valley went on in every direction forever. Ke'an just followed the voice for hours until he could make out a structure in the distance as little more than a speck amongst the field of flowers. It looked like it was over twenty miles away. After a few more hours of walking the building barely looked like it got any closer that is when Ke'an realizes it is much further away then he originally thought.

"Rest..." the voice says.

Ke'an didn't have to be told since he was extremely tired by this point. However, as soon as the voice said to rest, Ke'an suddenly collapsed to the ground fast asleep.

"Wake..." the voice cuts into Ke'an's dream.

Ke'an wakes up in the field rested but confused. He didn't remember falling asleep. He rips up some of the flowers until he cleared out a small patch of dirt. He drew out three interlocking magic circles and held out his hand over the drawing pouring his magic into it. Suddenly the flowers around the magic diagram start wilting, slowly extending outward until every flower within three meters withers away. Water collects in an orb floating above the circle which Ke'an drinks from.

"Come..." the voice calls out.

"Yeah-yeah..." Ke'an sighs.

Ke'an continues forward, marching towards the building in the distance all day before being told to rest once again and passing out in the field. This continued over and over for six days. The building is slowly growing in size day by day however Ke'an is starving by this point only subsisting on water he extracts from the flowers. Ke'an realizes that however long he has been in this place he has never seen the sun move. The glowing orb is always directly over him. At first he thought it was some form of illusion however there is no creature that can create entire falsified planes like this and he was trained to prevent lesser creatures from being able to use illusions on him.

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