Chapter Nine The Benefits of Transcendence

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The village is awash with panic as the villagers rush to their homes boarding themselves in as the threat approaches. The screeching of the greater snow wraiths only becomes deafening as the thundering of their sprint through the forest becomes louder and louder. The screeching of the five emit in a cacophonous discordance far more bone chilling than the winter air.

Seven men including Manny rush to join Ke'an at the entrance to the village each with their bolt action hunting rifles at the ready and crates to set up a small wall to defend. As the thunderous wails grew closer more of the town's defenders set up a makeshift firing line and hastily scraped together walls. Ke'an retreats back to Manny and the group of villagers. He looks at their guns knowing full well they are not up to the task at hand.

Normally enchanting a gun is pointless because the bullets themselves are what needs to be inscribed with lengthy runes and it must be on the bullet not the casing. This makes monster hunting rounds heavy and inefficient since they must be at least four inches long. Because of this, bows are more prominently used in monster hunting since the enchantment can be inscribed along the full shaft of the arrow. The stamps Ke'an uses to enchant items and especially his gun are one of his clan's most well guarded secrets as it could change the face of war forever. Faced with certain death Ke'an has a choice to make, die with his secrets or prepare everyone for what they are about to face.

Ke'an clicks his tongue as he mulls over what he thinks he should do. "Are you willing to lose a few of your town's bushes to power my magic?"

Manny nods his head quickly. "Better a few bushes than our lives if these things are greater wraiths. What do you need?"

"I just need time to set up the magic circles." Ke'an says as he takes out his stamp labeled fire looking at it reverently then with a sigh he continues. "Everyone stamp their guns with this pass it around and make sure everyone does it once."

"I'll make sure they do it right." System says as she steps forward.

Ke'an hands the stamp to System and rushes off to the first row in the orchard at blinding speed. Ke'an could feel that he was faster than he was even with the wolf attribute before. He could only imagine what the boost would do to his speed if he had it now. Even with the added speed he could not help but feel ill prepared for the fight ahead.

The berry bushes are about eight feet tall but Ke'an knows that individually they will not provide much in the way of life energy to fuel the magic they need. He draws out a circle on the ground which acts as the conduit to siphon the life of the plants. The area of effect would increase as the plants die. Ke'an is hopeful that it will only take one of the farmer's fields but not foolish enough to not plan a backup just in case. He is able to draw with machine-like precision and speed thanks to his dexterity attribute.

Ke'an runs back to the entrance of the village joining the now twenty-four men that gather with rifles and gardening tools. System tells those without rifles to stay back as they will most likely just get themselves killed. They didn't listen to her and are ready to face the wraiths and defend their village. By this point the men built a rather solid though hastily assembled defensive wall using crates, wagons and even upturned wheelbarrows. All they could do now was wait for the enemy to arrive as they all bunker down. System walks up to Ke'an and stamps both of her hands before returning the stamp to him.

"I don't think that is how those stamps work." Ke'an says with confusion lining his words. "They are meant for weapons you can't enchant people."

"These are my weapons." She says as she balls her fists and does a quick jab. "The stamps are a great way to produce temporary and simple effects on items, however I know how to bend the rules a little bit. I did make the rules of this world after all."

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